• October 2013

2nd Oct 2013 - Fall
3rd Oct 2013 - Free wheeling
4th Oct 2013 - Fishing off the breakwall
5th Oct 2013 - Walking Ari
7th Oct 2013 - Pretty as
8th Oct 2013 - Pink plateau trail
9th Oct 2013 - Cliffside covered in tiny orchids
11th Oct 2013 - Byangee Walls
12th Oct 2013 - Golden glory pea
13th Oct 2013 - Byangee Mountain and Clyde River Gorge
14th Oct 2013 - Maximal space
15th Oct 2013 - Bird's nest in shade
17th Oct 2013 - All the major food groups!
18th Oct 2013 - Gull and crescent moon
19th Oct 2013 - Hanging vines
20th Oct 2013 - Big blue crane
21st Oct 2013 - Revealing
23rd Oct 2013 - Building a breakwater