• June 2024

1st Jun 2024 - Puddle jumping in June
2nd Jun 2024 - We had a sunny, warm day!!
3rd Jun 2024 - 🐝
4th Jun 2024 - Falafel making - lunch!
5th Jun 2024 - Stranded baby crow
6th Jun 2024 - The bridge
7th Jun 2024 - One flower in a hedge
8th Jun 2024 - London Gelateria
9th Jun 2024 - London Underground
10th Jun 2024 - IMG_3354
11th Jun 2024 - Still wintery weather
12th Jun 2024 - Friendly feline
13th Jun 2024 - Hiding black bird
14th Jun 2024 - First sunshine in ages
15th Jun 2024 - Flower in the tar
16th Jun 2024 - Border
17th Jun 2024 - Sunshine at work!
18th Jun 2024 - Fish supper
19th Jun 2024 - Last year’s strawberries
20th Jun 2024 - Cambridge church
21st Jun 2024 - Moth
22nd Jun 2024 - Postal vote