The promt for Dogwood this week was "What modern convenience of 2019 can not you live without? Create an image that looks like an advertisement for your favourite Modern Convenience."
The USB port and lead WAS my favourite until I spent ages getting my littlest man to pose with my phone and a lead.
Processing was a doddle though! I did some more 'Drosting' for my Dark Room contribution this week.
12 more weeks of the challenge to go, not missed one yet.
@wendyfrost Hi Wendy, I took two photos with different depths of field.I inserted a photo into the blank screen of the phone and then repeated it smaller. I didn't like how it looked so went overboard adding starbursts!! It was all done with PhotoscapeX which Diana @ludwigsdiana introduced me to. It's a really easy program to use (who ever thought I'd ever type those words linked to editting!!) and is free to download.
@joysabin @ludwigsdiana Thank you ladies x