Confetti and Car by 30pics4jackiesdiamond

Confetti and Car

Currently reading "Vivian Maier Developed", a biography of 'The Photographer Nanny'. She would have walked up the drive into the garden!

PoJT - Emergency dentist today. Antibiotics Px for acute pain which is probably sinusitis. Unluckily I also broke a filling/ tooth today but it can wait repair until it hurts or at my next scheduled appointment.
Absolutely love the view and the composition!
July 3rd, 2024  
An interesting driveway. The van looks abondoned.
July 3rd, 2024  
sorry about your dentist app and hope all ends well.
July 3rd, 2024  
Beautiful photo! Hope your tooth will behave quickly.
July 3rd, 2024  
Well spotted and beautifully captured Jackie:)
July 3rd, 2024  
A lovely view, channeling your inner Vivian Maier. Sorry to hear about your tooth.
July 3rd, 2024  
Ouchies! Hope you feel better soon ❤️ Hubby is now down with Young Fella’s lurgy 🤦‍♀️ I am last one standing!
I like this vista. Makes you want to follow the path…
July 3rd, 2024  
a lovely, inviting drive with all the trees and bushes
July 4th, 2024  
I have that Vivian Maier book too, only looked at the pictures so far
July 4th, 2024  
@kjarn it's fascinating!! What a talented self taught photographer she was. Memories of the children she cared for interesting!

@lynnz it caught my eye

@casablanca and Vivian would have!!

@randystreat still hurts!

@pcoulson walk near here regularly but it was the blossom caught me eye

@jacqbb me too

@ludwigsdiana lucky to get apt, if I'd tried a doctor I'd be waiting a week!

@wakelys I wasn't brave enough to go closer

@grammyn it looks to be a lovely house and garden - once

Thank you all so much!
July 4th, 2024  
trust you feel better soon. Lovely image.
July 4th, 2024  
Lovely shot and title.
July 4th, 2024  
OH! So lovely, makes me want to follow that path!
July 4th, 2024  
Great find and capture
July 4th, 2024  
I totally missed the part where you said you had an emergency dental appointment! I’m not quite sure how that happened, but I hate that I have come off as an unfeeling git. I hope by now you are feeling much better.
July 4th, 2024  
@grammyn not at all, may have been added after you commented Katy. Still in discomfort, but I'll survive
@bkbinthecity thank you
@happysnaps me too
@haskar thank you
@briaan thanks Brian
July 4th, 2024  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond I’m so sorry it’s still bothering you❣️
July 5th, 2024  
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