Friendly Scarecrow by 30pics4jackiesdiamond

Friendly Scarecrow

One for the WWYD challenge. I used all my photos and homemade stamps and had a design in mind before I started!!

May I take this opportunity to remind you there's a Composite Challenge ongoing for you to be creative with one of your own photos!!??
So much going on! Fun editing!
July 26th, 2022  
So much to see in this one but very well done indeed
July 26th, 2022  
This looks like Worzel countryside.
July 26th, 2022  
Very creative so well done Jackie:)
July 26th, 2022  
Nice job. Love the scare crow with the bird on the hat.
July 26th, 2022  
Brilliant! Bright and quirky! Fav.
July 26th, 2022  
@will_wooderson @shutterbug49 @pcoulson @wakelys @grammyn @jacqbb

Thank you all so much, looking at other entries this is very OTT I must learn that less us more!
July 26th, 2022  
Fun edit!
July 27th, 2022  
Good edit
July 27th, 2022  
yikes. We're off to see the wizard.
July 27th, 2022  
@randystreat or Green Giant?
@joansmor thank you so much
@dutchothotmailcom it was fun to imagine it and then get it ( yes there was a plan!)
July 27th, 2022  
Well done.
July 27th, 2022  
I think there will be a tornado any minute to whisk Dorothy to Oz!
July 27th, 2022  
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