She's a True Friend ... One Who's Made Me Happy by Weezilou

She's a True Friend ... One Who's Made Me Happy

This is M'ellen. I don't often post single photos of friends, but thinking about this *Happiness thing* today, and having just had dinner at her home, I had to add this. You all write me so many lovely notes which for more reasons than you could ever guess, really touch my heart. Though it no longer seems possible that it happened, I went through a very rough patch for many years Soon after we moved to Lunenburg, Mel and her husband invited us to dinner. They invited us many times and I never reciprocated as I was in depression (that had nothing to do with Ken or my girls who have always been my rock!) She said to Enid, our mutual friend, that she felt I didn't seem to like her, and fortunately Enid did know what I was going through and explained. M'ellen never gave up on me, though I'd given her so little to work with. Enid was with me all this way as well. Together we're now contentedly the best of friends and, in time, my life and my happiness was returned to me several years back. I thank God she stayed the course until I could return her friendship, and for Enid who waited so see me through.

While "Happiness" is so many of the sweet, pleasant things in life, it's also "The Up Side of Down" and a Spirit Renewed. She's my perfect example today of how one caring and patient friend can set the world right again.

Never underestimate your ability to be The One.
What a beautiful woman, inside and out!
October 5th, 2015  
You are very blessed to have had such a good and caring friend.
October 5th, 2015  
such a pretty smile she has. glad you're out of the woods now. you make a lot of people happy with your friendship, you must know that. i know i'm lucky to have you as my friend. mwah!
October 5th, 2015  
Poignant words and a lovely image, Louise!
October 5th, 2015  
i can't imagine you depressed louise, but having been through my own rough patches i know how you feel.
October 5th, 2015  
What a touching story. Brings tears to my eyes. People have rough patches. Not many people will do what she did. How blessed you all are!
October 5th, 2015  
@lindasees @skstein @summerfield @jamibann @danette @chard Thank you all for the kind comments and for being the loving people I know you all to be. @chard Even I have trouble understanding how I could have been any different than I am today, but I suppose we all get some burnishing in life. Blessed we are to have friends to see us through to the sunlight again!
October 5th, 2015  
very touching
October 5th, 2015  
What wonderful friends you have. This is a great shot of M'ellen.
October 6th, 2015  
I knew we were kindred spirits. I too have had periods of depression. I spent months wishing my car would crash into a telephone pole as I drove home from work. My best friend was in Maine and I was in Florida. What I would have given for a good friend. But I had a good boss who booted me in the rear end a few times to make me think and I was able to find my way out. Mine was so miner because I could find my way out on my own. So my heart goes out to people who need more help. And I love people who can understand and be patient and caring. Glad the blue funk has left you behind.
October 6th, 2015  
@joansmor I'm sorry to hear you've been to the dark side as well, but so happy to see you've found family and a community of supporters. It's a wretched way to not be living, and I'm glad you were able to help yourself. You were a good soul to share your story. (I've found that women seem to have the good fortune of being able to bond with other women in a way that men's a helpful sisterhood!)
October 6th, 2015  
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