Beauty to Behold by Weezilou

Beauty to Behold

Yesterday as Mission San Juan Capistrano, I was delighted to see so many Monarch Butterflies. On grounds that size, I'd no sooner focus on one and it was off again! I was so happy when this one settled long enough for me to get some good photos, and the bonus was those gorgeous little flowers on the tree! (Anyone know what they are?)

I selected this one to send to my cousin, Tom, for our photo-a-day swap (of mostly birds and animals). Ken picked this as his third choice, and I was delighted to get him involved in the selection. After all, he carried all my camera equipment for me yesterday ♥
Oh, it's so nice to see flowers and butterflies! Beautiful!
February 10th, 2015  
Beautiful shot
February 10th, 2015  
Wonderful capture of a beautiful Monarch Louise! I think the whole composition is so lovely. Fav!
February 10th, 2015  
February 10th, 2015  
Wonderful capture....beautiful butterfly....FAV!! And, since I could not be there to identify these gorgeous flowers of one of my favorite trees, I will put the information right here. This is a beautiful cluster of Strawberry Tree (arbutus unedo) flowers, and they eventually turn into delicious berries. They are sweet and gritty, and definitely not to be eaten before they mature as they can be astringent. I have one in my front yard, but definitely smaller than this one!;_ylt=AwrTccsbctlUPywAOUQnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTB0MzkwOG5yBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1lIUzAwNF8x?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&va=strawberry+tree+flowers&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001
February 10th, 2015  
@joysfocus Thanks, Joy! With a butterfly, you don't get a lot of chances to get it right, so I'll happily appreciate "blind dumb luck!"

(Would you like me to email you some of yesterday's people pictures?)
February 10th, 2015  
@Weezilou The only ones I took of the group were you and Ken. I'd be happy to email it to you. I thought you did a great job with group photos! My email:
February 10th, 2015  
Oh! That looks so warm and sunny and beautiful! I love it...
February 10th, 2015  
So very beautiful. Love all those colors!!!
February 10th, 2015  
So pretty and so colourful. Nice capture.
February 10th, 2015  
Beautiful capture :) Fav
February 10th, 2015  
@panthora ok...then that's a strawberry guava tree, isn't it?! (I never saw one so big, but then my neighbors cut theirs down! Booo :( The blossoms are like little lily of the beautiful! I can see why you planted on! Osia, do you use the fruit? We have 3 pineapple guava trees, and this is the first year they've had little fruit. We use them in smoothies...and for guava bread and guava jam...LOVE them! Thanks for all the detailed info!
February 10th, 2015  
Fabulous capture! Fav!
February 10th, 2015  
Beautiful. Fav
February 10th, 2015  
February 10th, 2015  
spring spring SPRING!
February 10th, 2015  
They are a most beautiful species of flutterby aren't they!!! Lovely capture!
February 10th, 2015  
How beautiful. has to be a fav!
February 10th, 2015  
@Weezilou OK, I am resurfacing now, and I realized that I never responded to this one! This plant is a strawberry tree, not a strawberry guava (have those too, mine are not that big, the flowers are very different, and also pretty, and so far mine have not produced much)... this is used a lot as a landscape plant, but not too many people know that the fruit is edible, and the birds get them! Here is a better explanation, and check out the photos on the right for the fruit and the might want to go back to San Juan Capistrano when the fruit matures! ;-))
February 14th, 2015  
Such a wonderful shot A Fav
February 19th, 2015  
Lovely capture !! Fav
February 20th, 2015  
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