Run & Fun by anothab

Run & Fun

Went work for a few hours and got this audit boxed off ✌🏞 dipped out at midday and bumped into my old mate Steve with his daughter Lily - had a nice catch up on the bus whilst I headed up to Biddulph to surprise kiddo at her Sports Day (since I never told her I was going to watch her) ðŸĪŠðŸƒðŸžðŸ…

Popped in Aldi for a multipack of water (and went back later to get Laura some crisps too 😂) and proceeded to get sunburned for the second year in a row whilst watching Bug and her classmates doing track events 🏃🏞‍♂ïļðŸƒðŸžâ€â™€ïļ walked kiddo back home after school ended and had a chill in the backyard with Ree, Frank & Nala whilst Lysh got her stuff together ðŸķðŸ‘Đ🏞‍ðŸŒū

Then when we were heading to catch a bus home, Lysh persuaded me take her top park for an hour first so we went and played about up there for a bit 😁🛝

Got back mine and had tea around 7pm, then stuck Wild Child on and vegged on the sofas 📚 washed Lysh's hair cause it was full of gel ðŸŠŪðŸ‘ąðŸžâ€â™€ïļ and then watched some Tik-Toks and Youtube and generally just lazed around 'til Lysh wanted go bed at 11pm ðŸ˜īðŸ’Ī and now I'm going chill for an hour or so myself - another great day spent showing up for Bug and being the best Dad I can be! 💛ðŸĨ°
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