I woke up this morning to this lot lying next to my bed.
It's our Turkish Van cat, Sil, who has been bringing gifts (some of their cat toys) during the night. She often bring gifts, but this night she has been particularly busy :-D.
Maybe it's because she's sensing that I'm not well (I'm down with the flu)... either way it's rather qute, I think :-).
She has been doing this since she was a kitten. Her brother, Soda, does this too but not nearly as often as her.
She likes to steal stuff and drop them of next to us - generally it's their toys she's carrying around, but if she finds something interesting she will steal it - erasers are one of her favorite things to steal - and the silicone lids for tea cups that I use from time to time, so to keep our two kitties safe we always have to be careful about what we leave lying around the house :-).