I love baking. I bake at least once or twice week and make almost all of the bread that we eat at home. I like to test various recipes and tweak them to suit our taste. Lately I've been trying out a French recipe for Fougasse bread, and I have been making minor modifications to see how they impact on the finished bread. After a good handful of tests I think, that I have arrived at the version of Fougasse that we like the best.
Fougasse is a type of bread typically associated with Provence/Southeastern France, but its origin goes back to ancient Rome where it was called Panis Focacius. Panis Focacius was a flat bread baked in the ashes of the heath, and a later very well known variant is the Italian Focaccia bread. Fougasse was traditionally used to assess the temperature of a wood fired oven, and the time it took to bake gave an idea as to the oven temperature and whether the rest of the bread could be loaded into the oven.
Fougasse is probably one of the most delicious types of bread that I have baked in a long time, so there will definately be many more Fougasses in my near future... with and without modifications :-).
sounds delicious,here in wales we make bakescones which is a round flat cake,with or without fruit and baked on a flat griddle,or in the old days hot stones around a fire.