Derelict by bernicrumb


This long in the tooth Victorian building in Mainesburg, Pennsylvania looked like it was about to tumble down back in 1993 when we moved to an old farmhouse near there. Parts of this building were still in use at that point, but by the time we moved away 10 years later, only the south facing shop front (not visible in this shot of the west side of the building) was still in use.

Back then, there was a white-washed rickety enclosed stairwell from the door on the lower right to the door on the second floor. some time over the last 20 years, that stairwell was torn down.

It was that slash of orange paint that caught my eye and caused me to pull over to the side of the road to take this shot.

As I pulled out of the side street onto to US Route 6 to continue my tour to see how the area I'd lived in had changed, I wondered how much longer the building would last. It must have good bones to have made it so long.
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