or so they say. I do not know if this is officially the shortest street in the world but Thorton Court here in Edmonton is so short that it took me only 50 steps to go from Jasper Avenue to the entrance to the Marriot Hotel. Have a great weekend everyone
@karenann Your comment made me do some research. It is named after an American Railwayman, Sir Henry Thornton. He started with the Pennslyvania Railway and was Asst. President of the Long Island Railway before going to England to manage the Great Eastern Railway in London.
Our mayor met him in 1926 and decided that it would be a nice thing to name this street after him
I doubt it, some medevil European cities have streets which have been built over and developed and I bet there is streets which have become just a few steps of their original size. Here in the UK their is weird little cut throughs with their own street name especially in Edinburgh, London and York.
Our mayor met him in 1926 and decided that it would be a nice thing to name this street after him