At Albertini in King's Cross - to commemorate B and D's move to Totnes, a meal with several other ex-walking group friends. Unfortunately a very hot evening and it was rather airless as well as being one of those places where voices bounce off the walls making it all very noisy. Good otherwise!
Worked in the office with lots of meetings, staying behind a bit longer than normal before leaving to meet Dave at King's Cross. Sister T had arrived home and I'd left her soup for supper while we were out.
Nice to meet up with B and D again who've already left London for Sevenoaks so we see them rarely anyway as well as M and G, and J and G. Pizzas mainly all round, very nice with yummy puddings. Got a headache at the beginning with the heat and noise so was feeling very icky and ready to leave once we'd wolfed our puddings unfortunately.