Grasses and herb robert  by boxplayer

Grasses and herb robert

Against a white garden wall as I walked round the corner to the chemist.

Woke up seriously full of cold - streaming nose and chesty cough but luckily nothing booked today. Running out of Lemsips, I walked the 5 mins to our two handy chemists hoping one was open - one was. Also stocked up on Jakemans and tissues.

Phoned mum - so far she hasn't caught it from me and neither has Dave (though that's probably only a matter of time). He's been looking after me bringing me up snacks, hot drinks and miso soup.

Weather nice to start but getting broodier with - quel surprise - rain clouds.

27 May 2024
Walthamstow E17
They look so pretty against that wall
May 27th, 2024  
It's a beautiful image. Is the pink flower the herb Robert? I think I call it campion, but maybe I'm wrong
May 27th, 2024  
So appealing up against that wall
May 27th, 2024  
@busylady red campion is similar, has more petals and a less stripey colour
May 27th, 2024  
A lovely shot of this beautiful find!

May 27th, 2024  
Such a simply beautiful photograph! Just love it.
Feel better soon.
May 27th, 2024  
Lovely Espoo a black background.
May 27th, 2024  
Reminds me of my pressing flower days! Bad luck being ill on a holiday day!
May 27th, 2024  
May 27th, 2024  
Lovely composition
May 27th, 2024  
I love the simple look
May 27th, 2024  
That is a really lovely photo.
Sending wellness wishes.
May 27th, 2024  
Very pretty, ironically I’ve just prepped some field flowers for pressing… great minds think a like!
May 27th, 2024  
love it
May 27th, 2024  
Great shot😊
May 27th, 2024  
May 27th, 2024  
So lovely. It reminded me my younger years when we had to dry grasses and flowers for the biology class.
May 27th, 2024  
May 27th, 2024  
A lovely image. Hope you feel better soon!
May 27th, 2024  
They look so pretty. Hope you feel better soon.
May 28th, 2024  
Lovely against the white background. Like hearing about your activities. Best!
May 28th, 2024  
Lovely shot, good eye
May 28th, 2024  
Thumb up to Dave. Take care.
May 28th, 2024  
@boxplayer Thanks, I'll try and watch out for this one
May 28th, 2024  
So pretty against this wall. Hope you're feeling better soon.
May 28th, 2024  
Love the shot - take care of yourself
May 28th, 2024  
Reminds me of something from the past, postcards perhaps? Looks lovely. It's my dream from childhood to live in a white house. Hope feel better today.
May 28th, 2024  
@busylady It is Herb Robert, just not campion. So half right!
May 28th, 2024  
Great composition and capture.
May 28th, 2024  
I just love have a good eye for making lovely shots out of things others would ignore.
May 28th, 2024  
Lovely simplistic photo with a great back drop to show it off
May 28th, 2024  
Beautiful composition
May 28th, 2024  
Just love the simplicity of this! Can see this on a greeting card! FAV
May 28th, 2024  
A lovely line up of these spring beauties.
Hope you feel better soon.
May 29th, 2024  
Lovely shot. I hope you feel better soon
May 29th, 2024  
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