Bellflowers  by boxplayer


Or campanula. Spotted as I nipped to the post box.

Very hot today so a quick breakfast in the garden before I was forced in out of the heat and brightness to carry on working inside.

The girls left today - I tried to make sure they didn't leave anything behind and got them an Uber to the airport. Flight slightly delayed again.

Now in the still warm garden with a cheeky beginning of the week gin.

Moss landscape

24 June 2024
Walthamstow E17
Love it, the pov is fantastic. The textures of the paint are great.

In the heat, I think a cheeky gin should go down just fine!
June 24th, 2024  
Beautiful shot
June 24th, 2024  
A wonderful capture. Lovely focus and dof. Fav
June 24th, 2024  
They must be hardy plants growing out of the wall. Nice pov.
June 24th, 2024  
Wonderful POV
June 24th, 2024  
Such a pretty flower often seen growing in cracks in walls etc
June 24th, 2024  
Great find and POV
June 24th, 2024  
Love the POV and the light.
June 24th, 2024  
Pretty shot & pov.
June 24th, 2024  
I love how they grow out from the stone wall
June 24th, 2024  
Lovely DOF and focus on that nearest flower. These little campanulas seem to be doing very well this year, they festoon almost every granite wall in Truro with their lovely little blue flowers.
June 24th, 2024  
nice one , well seen
June 24th, 2024  
Sweet little flowers.
June 24th, 2024  
Sweet flowers. They are determined to grow aren't they.
June 24th, 2024  
Lovely find and a super POV as always.
June 25th, 2024  
Great POV and capture
June 25th, 2024  
Love the POV choice and light
June 25th, 2024  
It's amazing how they survive so well on next to nothing, a great pov
June 25th, 2024  
Beautiful flowers thriving & surviving…. Beautiful
June 25th, 2024  
Nice pic😊
June 26th, 2024  
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