Battle of Britain memorial  by boxplayer

Battle of Britain memorial

By Paul Day, unveiled 2005. Taken as we wait to board our coach to France in the background. Catching up with photos from our weekend choir tour.

An early alarm at 6 so we could rush to wash and stuff breakfast inside us and finish off the last of the packing. I needed to leave dead on time so I could pick up cold sore cream from Boots at Victoria.

Dave hadn't sorted his coach-provided DIY luggage label and was running late and when he wanted to change bags we both had hissy fits as I was so desperate to leave.

We did manage it with just enough time and went on to Westminster to meet the coach. We were 5 mins early, stowed away our luggage and found the coach was already almost full. What eager beavers.

It was allegedly 3 hours to Dover and I worried about needing to use the tiny coach loo but in the end it was only 2 hours. Hoped to, but we weren't able to, get on the earlier ferry as it had too many passengers on it already.

We waited in the small scrappy services for an hour and a half - mobbed with other coach parties including a group of excitable young Dutch people. A huge queue for Costa drove me into WHSmith to get a vitamin drink.

Time passed as I read my book and ate the salmon bagel I'd made last night with crisps and chocolate. A lovely sunny and warm day, some of the others stood outside.

The crossing to Calais was a smooth 1.5 hours, although a strong wind blew everyone about outside on the deck. Found comfy chairs around a table and we had tea and prosecco, and I napped briefly on the long comfy seat.

Back on the coach for 2.5 hours to Rouen, with nice stretches of countryside as the sun got lower in the sky. We saw Rouen's cathedral spire, covered in scaffolding as we approached.

60 of us got off the coach so was chaos while we found our luggage and waited for check-in and keys to be handed out. Time to have a shower, unpack and change for dinner.

We walked to Les Fils à Maman past an interesting supermarket and pubs as it got gradually busier as we neared the centre.

Found our restaurant in the shadow of the cathedral, and initially sat outside, but as we saw lightning and heard thunder rumbles we moved inside.

Nice hip place with good interesting menu all based on the restaurant's 70s/80s childhood theme: babybel croquettes, salmon tartare and frites for me and devilled eggs, salmon fillet for Dave. Then puddings of Kinder tiramisu and lemon cheesecake with a jar of sweeties brought round after.

Bought water and snacks from the supermarket and got back to the hotel to chill. A bit of rain and a few rumbles of thunder through the night.

Babybel croquettes

20 September 2024
Westminster SW1
Love your running commentary!!
September 23rd, 2024  
Love the way you've composed this.
September 23rd, 2024  
Fabulous image and a lovely back story.
September 23rd, 2024  
Quite dramatic.
September 23rd, 2024  
Nice pov for this shot! Great accompanying story too.
September 23rd, 2024  
Wonderful memorial sculpture!
September 23rd, 2024  
nice DOF and details
September 23rd, 2024  
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