Walking through St James's Park and Green Park on my way to the Royal Academy after work, the sun was glinting goldenly through the trees. You can just see Buck Palace in the corner.
Met Dave at the RA to catch the Impressionist exhibition currently on. Some nice pieces, but a lot of Renoir who I find rather dull most of the time. Although he can surprise sometimes - a nice still-life with onions by him ended up being one of my faves. And a lovely little Daumier and a classic Monet cliffs at Etretat.
We then headed off round the corner for something to eat at an Indian I found on Trip Advisor, Chor Bizarre - excellent tasty food even if more expensive than normal, not at all like what is standard in a lot of Indian restaurants. There were mostly Indians eating there which was a good sign.
Walking back to the tube, had to walk past ghastly hordes of rather-brashly-conspicuously-wealthy people hanging outside hotels and bars. Well it was Mayfair after all.
Ps. I think it is a fave as it reminds me of my visit to Green Park last month & the Bomber Command memorial. Green Park looks very different in this light.