October rainbow challenge - Week 4: People - Tuesday: Orange
Another really misty morning, but not at all cold yet although it will be cooling down towards the weekend. Weird weather week it is apparently, look out for 'blood rain', the BBC article said.
Lunchtime, I popped out for an amble around the building site that is Victoria at the moment. No joke (Juliette will be back me up), the whole place is being torn down and built back up again. Anyway, good thing is there are a million and one men wandering around in orange. Nearly forgot to mention the funny bit - I was pretending to use my phone so I could surreptitiously take pics and accidentally managed to phone the king of surreptitious phone pics, Rich Tyson, himself...
Violin class today, moving on from just bowing open strings and starting to put fingers down on the strings, what a truly scary sound that is.
when I saw this - i thought has to be Victoria!! PLenty of orange and yellow clad men about there! Caught him well with no people around. Ah to the sound of strangling cats re the violin...don't know how my folks put up with it for all the years I did it, though to be fair when my sister started to learn (and decided to unlearn) they realised I could've been worse!!
Very cool looking orange dude here...
... or is this Borat?