Chipped by boxplayer


I swear we have a poltergeist. A while back, our washing machine turned itself off - I don't remember doing it.

And then this old chipped toothbrush mug. I used to use it as a cup for my water at night. One day many weeks ago, it just disappeared off the face of the earth. I hunted high and low in the bedroom and in other rooms of the house. Behind furniture, under the bed, anywhere it might have rolled.

Anyway, this week, I looked under the bed for some reason and there it was - standing totally upright underneath where my head would be as if placed there. A) Both Dave and I remembered specifically looking under the bed for it and not finding it and B) if it had rolled under there (the only reason it would be under there surely) why would it be standing up, not on its side?

Deeply odd.


3 August 2020
Walthamstow E17
That is odd indeed. I like the colours and patterns
August 18th, 2020  
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