Wisdom by casablanca


My son is an avid reader and all his life I have opted to read the same books as him now and then, so that we have things to talk about and enjoy discussing. It's a habit I still have.

I am just coming to the final section of Book 12, the final one in Will Wight's "Cradle" series. It's an epic fantasy genre full of battles, powerful sacred arts, a good dose of comedy and some excellent characters.

This quote made me smile and I thought how true it was. Worth a highlight on the Kindle. I prefer real books, but sometimes use the Kindle too for portability. Useful thing to have in your pocket.
It's long since I last was able to keep up with my son's reading choices. But we do talk about our readings. I am so glad he's turned out a reader.
As for the quote, I completely agree: it's a choice we have to make others joyful or miserable. Very nice thought.
May 11th, 2024  
Such a fabulous quote, how wonderful that you both read the same books.
May 11th, 2024  
Wonderful quote
May 11th, 2024  
Lovely words, and a lovely activity to share with your son. Very touching.
May 11th, 2024  
I wish I could do that too. We used to have a bookclub that did this but now owing to 3 deaths, 4 moving away, our bookclub has ceased to meet!
May 11th, 2024  
@maggiemae There are book clubs online and even an app for book clubs.
This is a good quote
May 11th, 2024  
Nice đź‘Ť
May 11th, 2024  
A nice thing to do.
May 11th, 2024  
I love reading on my Kindle… being able to adjust the font size is very helpful for aging eyes!!!
May 11th, 2024  
so true
May 11th, 2024  
I like the quote, too.
May 11th, 2024  
Lovely quote.
May 11th, 2024  
Nice habit formed young.
May 11th, 2024  
"This quote made me smile and I thought how true it was. Worth a highlight on the Kindle. I prefer real books, but sometimes use the Kindle too for portability. Useful thing to have in your pocket." Hey, friend! I knew this had to be you before I even saw that, indeedy, it was Casa! :-) That quote is the greatest, and you exemplify the truth of it! Love you! xxoo P.S. I prefer real books, too, but have downloaded lots of e-books! LOL
May 11th, 2024  
How right it is, it’s a nice habit, I did the same with Harry Potter because of my grandson and ended up hooked and seeing all the films in the cinema.. The fims are wonderful but the books are marvelous.. Hubbie came with me and told me to give him a shake when the film finished, but you might guess there was no need, he too was throughly hooked!
May 11th, 2024  
Great quote! I was talking books with my NZ grandson & he reads a series of books called Dune. They sound a bit similar to yours & your sons taste….science fiction & futuristic…..not my cup of tea though sadly! I’m reading John Boyne at the moment….his books are so good. Library books but I love my kindle….light & easy to hold. Always in my bag!
May 11th, 2024  
What a great quote. We are all avid readers in our family but have such different tastes.
May 12th, 2024  
A good reminder to all of us. Between the library (Libby) app, the Kindle app and the B&N nook app, all which I have on phone and tablet, I am never without something to read.
May 12th, 2024  
Lovely. Like you, I prefer a book, but kindle is SO practical. I try to alternate. I just finished a really good French book (I try to read in French every now and then ...) and have now moved onto a Kindle book about a voyage through Liberia. I also try to read a book of dad's every now and then - like you do with your son - for some good discussion with him. He has some great books - never ones I'd choose, but always really interesting and informative. The last one I read of dad's was about the Chemin de la Liberté in the Pyrenées and the crossings into Spain during WW2. Books are wonderful, and I love your image.
May 15th, 2024  
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