The Lion King's Scar said it best! by casablanca

The Lion King's Scar said it best!

I think The Young Fella chose the best possible t-shirt to go and vote in yesterday...... made us laugh anyway!

He used the short walk to the polling station to see if he was better. He's not. Coughing for England but he is gradually improving. He won't return to work today, but maybe Saturday's shift. We shall see. Hubby is sniffling and snuffling merrily. I am still standing.......

Waking up to the depressing news of a Labour landslide. I didn't vote for them and never would after their last reign. No good policies to speak of and they spend our money like water. Change was needed after a dismal series of Tory scandals, but modern Labour is unlikely to prove a good change for the nation or our pockets. But as I said yesterday, we need new leaders with integrity and calibre and I pray they are out there, growing as I speak, not just in my country but in others who desperately need the same.
A fabulous shot of your Young Lad, he looks so happy here :-)
July 5th, 2024  
It's the integrity and calibre that's missing! Hohum, Starmer won't be in Number 10, Mrs Rayner is probably choosing curtains as I type!

Sorry men still ill, glad they'll be fit to look after you! Good for TYF, love the GSOH!
July 5th, 2024  
July 5th, 2024  
I love the T-shirt - not just for politics but in general
Sadly it's hard to find politicians with integrity - I am just hoping Trump doesn't get in again - he is an ugly man inside and out and lacks integrity and a long list of other qualities.
July 5th, 2024  
Sorry about the voting. I am not enthused about either candidate hear. Oh well, another vote for the lesser of two evils. Well one is evil and one is a disappointment.
July 5th, 2024  
Great t-shirt.
Negative about voting yesterday - local candidates stood outside didn’t engage with voters.
Positive - got to go in to local Catholic Church with pretty blue ceiling. Poll station was in hall behind church.
July 5th, 2024  
Great T Shirt… brilliant
July 5th, 2024  
Awesome story telling portrait and story. Get well soon.
July 5th, 2024  
Great timing for a trip to the polling station!
July 5th, 2024  
And that message says it all everywhere. He has grown into a handsome young man, I remember him less than 16 years old for sure. Youngsters grow up into adults so very quickly.
July 5th, 2024  
Love the humor and expression here. Great shot!
July 5th, 2024  
What a great shot of the young fella. Love his t shirt. Hope your new Government turns out to be better than you anticipate
July 5th, 2024  
well captured
July 5th, 2024  
Depressing election results for you…..and just when I thought it would be a good idea for Britain to take us back 😄. Nice shot of the young fella.
July 5th, 2024  
Very nice photo of your ailing young fella! Sorry he is still under the weather. Do like his (and your) sense of humor! 😂
July 5th, 2024  
Fun shot.
July 5th, 2024  
A lovely shot of your son, and I love his t-shirt!

The election was quite interesting, with the Labour vote not changing much since the last election, and the Conservative vote reducing drastically because many of their supporters staying at home, or voted for Reform UK or the Liberal Democrats. So, a unification of those with right of centre views could result in another dramatic change at the next election.

July 5th, 2024  
Perfect shirt for the day! Hope you all continue to feel better.
July 5th, 2024  
Just the sweetest smile for a young fella who is still not feeling well... I'm hating US politics so much and with an election year we are in store for way too much ugliness and I'm afraid there is no willing with any candidate.
July 5th, 2024  
That says it all!! Chose the perfect tee shirt! He looks happy, cheerful & better! Reform made a huge difference to the vote…..I voted who I always vote for & it wasn’t red!
July 5th, 2024  
Just love this tee-shirt!
July 5th, 2024  
A great T shirt & very apt!
Folks always have short memories/ or don’t know any better & as they say, the grass is always greener…..
July 5th, 2024  
cracking mono portrait Casa' , good you are still free from the family bug !!!

As for the election , we have a new MP , Michael Payne , he's a lifelong friend of our daughters , we've known him since he was a little boy . He's hard working , cares about his community , cares about people, been a councillor since his 20's , deputy leader of our the boro' council, he will be a great MP . My father in law who voted Tory all his life voted for him because he knows he cares ! Anyway we shouldn't really discuss politics , I think Sir Keir Starmer seems an honourable man , he spoke very highly of Rishi Sunak today .

It was time for change though Casa' x
July 5th, 2024  
@phil_howcroft Glad you are happy. You have a rare thing currently in a caring politician and I will always celebrate an individual who is like that, whatever their party. I have an entirely different opinion of Mr Starmer and his party, so we shall have to agree to differ on that point. I already said in my narrative change was necessary, but I have no hope of anything good to come for a while. If any main party was filled with people like your young man, I would vote for them. I am not affiliated to any party personally. But he is an exception and many consituencies unfortunately lacked such a person to vote for. I applaud him as an individual and I wish him well.
July 5th, 2024  
@casablanca thanks Casa' , it's OK to have different opinions , at the end of the day we just want decent , caring , upright politicians , who care about their constituency and country. Keep an eye out for Micheal , he really is one of the 'good people' , stay clear of the lurgy in your family
July 5th, 2024  
@phil_howcroft Absolutely right. I will keep an eye out for your man, it is always good to know about the good ones. All the best, my friend.
July 5th, 2024  
Interesting times! Great photo of your lovely son and I hope he's fully recovered soon.
July 5th, 2024  
I don't understand politics nor do I wish too. I vote only because it's compulsory but I always write "neither thank you" across the page. From what I see here it doesn't seem to matter which party is in power, they don't follow through on their promises and life continues to get more difficult.

On another note, I love that t shirt
July 6th, 2024  
Nice photo of your son. We're all going through political turmoil.
July 6th, 2024  
We are certainly desperate across the pond!
July 7th, 2024  
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