I've been trying to get a pic of one of these Orange Sulphurs for several days. I love their colors. This is a female and she was almost hidden in the tall grass. The sun was shining through her wings and made her even prettier. :0)
Thank you so much taking time to look at my pictures!!! :0)
@chard I have a wonderful North American Guide to Insects that I bought recently. It has really good pics of both the females and males. I'm learning the names with it! :0)
@tabbycat LOL! The Big Whisperer has been stalking these butterflies for days now. I've even walked through waist high grass in the field, just to have them fly away before I can focus the camera! I think I got this one today, because it was 95 degrees and the heat slowed them down a little. :0)
oh it is pretty! I have been looking for butterflies but I only see them zoom through my yard into my neighbors yard. Love the color of the wings and how delicate they are :)