You might be. Have you been eating grass again? There's a grass seed in your whiskers.
This is Trouble. He was the first of the kittens to get a name, when they were little. We name our kittens by personality traits most of the time. He's really good at finding things to get into. :0)
Thank you for your views, comments, and faves! :0)
I love the grass seed, and the green eyes to match the background! Beautiful! I just found you and read your bio. I love nature and cat photos, and use a P&S too. :-)
He is beautiful. I love those eyes. Don't get him in trouble for eating grass. I think a little grass is good for the digestion. My dog is always nibbling grass.
Hey there Carolyn - it's been ages since I browsed the PP and what do I find? Your beautiful photo of Trouble. Well done - you're getting to be quite the regular on this page.
What is it with grass?! I can't get Maggie to stop eating it either!