I said yes, and have had a wonderful married life.
This year hubby replaced a pair of silver and gold daisy earrings. I had lost one a couple of years ago and was so upset when I couldn’t find it retracing my steps we traveled miles but had to admit defeat. I love my replacements they’re not the same but then I wouldn’t want them to be.
Best on black
Thank you for all your lovely comments and favs all are appreciated and welcome.
That is so sweet! I understand your story. I was devastated when unbeknownst to me, the diamond in my engagement ring fell out. I had a whole school full of students looking for it but to no avail. Sadly, we've never been able to replace it. So I'm happy that your story ended much better than mine! Pretty shot!
These are beautiful. I lost my wedding ring years ago when i lost a bunch of weight and it slid off my finger. I have another one and we created a little ceremony but its not the same
Been there and my hubby did the same! 😊
These sure are beautiful and special
You have honoured their beauty perfectly