@bardejov The "ghost" would be the small green orb of light, near the sunburst. I first learned of that on a ghost tour in St. aug. I figure since it was an old Indian settlement, there must be spirits about!
Wonderful shot Danette, it seems odd that i am not following you, I only just realised that you photos were not showing up on my page. Very strange now sorted second time lucky lol
@cimes1 I haven't seen that sow but my son was instantly hooked (not usual for him). Guess I'll have to watch! Maybe it was in my head, but you could feel the history there. If you ever pass through Moore Haven, be sure to go the exact speed limit!
@danette Love that show and my hubby and I are both hooked! The last episode for season one is Monday night. You would really need to see this from day one to understand what's happening. I already have the DVD reserved to review again for season two next year.