My 'Dreams and Nightmares' Project: constructive criticism needed. :)

January 3rd, 2012
Almost one month ago, I posted a discussion asking for inspiration, ideas and advice on taking photos around the theme 'Dreams and Nightmares' for my Higher Level Project Qualification ( . The response was both amazing, and amazingly helpful. So thankyou so much.

On the January 2nd, I spent a day shooting photos for the Nightmare part of my project, and I need constructive criticism.

These are the first three photos I would like help with:




How could I edit the photos to make them more 'Nightmare-ish'?
What do you like and dislike about the photos?
Which of the photos do you prefer, overall?
What makes the one you choose better, and what lets the others down?

Every single piece of advice is highly valued, and will bring me one step closer to achieving my Higher Project Qualification.

Thankyou. :)
January 3rd, 2012
I like the first one the best. the action and fear from the 'dreamer' is really good. the shadows are good too, but if I were you I'd take out the light in between the trees in the middle at the top.

really great photos and good luck with your project
January 3rd, 2012
First one is the best. I quite like the lighting but the photos look to normal to be nightmarish. To get a nightmare feel, I'd say try getting in closer and shooting from either high or low angles. For the editing, I'd say try darkening and upping the contrast on both. Also, purple is a really good nightmare color.
Hope this helps in any way.
January 3rd, 2012
I like the first one best. Her expression is great and it really looks like she searching for a way out. I also like that the runners are not evenly spaced. I'd try darkening too and maybe also a greenish glow to any light?

Great shots! Good luck with the project
January 3rd, 2012
I also prefer the first one because I like her pose best. Even though I am a big fan of your starshaped flares in the middle and lower shots they do take away from the nightmarish feel. For me, editing in b&w and stark contrasts always adds a nightmarish feel to pictures but you have to be careful not to lose too much detail in the process.
January 3rd, 2012
The first one is my favorite. if you want a nightmare feel, try looking at some stills from a scary movie and pay attention to the lighting in those. Great shots!
January 3rd, 2012
I agree, the first one best fits nightmare for me. I would darken the image and maybe add a little noise.
January 3rd, 2012
i LOVE @axel 's advice about getting in from a different angle. Dreams and nightmares have that quality of things being not 'normal'. Perspectives are 'off'. I think that would make things more unreal-ish. :) also, the colors are a little muddy to i guess i agree with axel's other advice of playing with contrast and color to make things appear more unnatural. yep, i have nothing original to say, you should just listen to him. Ha.
January 3rd, 2012
I like the first one, but I may make it a bit darker and a tad more blue. Nighmare movies always seem to have a blue tone.
January 3rd, 2012
I think the first one is the best because it looks as though you've caught the girl in movement, which gives the still a power which the others lack. It might be an idea to either get much closer (ie have her head filling a third of the frame and the 'ghosts' the rest) or don't show her face at all. I only say this because she looks so well-fixed in space and that is too 'normal', as Axel and Lacey have said. Similarly the clothes, angle of the camera etc are too normal to be really scary.
For nightmare photos you could try black and white, high contrast, or turning up the white balance/bringing out the blues in an editing programme afterwards.
I absolutely love the black shadow on the right hand side of the first photo - that is definitely scary! well done and good luck :) x
January 3rd, 2012
Hmm. I think the basic idea here is really good - I agree with a lot of the folks who are saying that the sunbursts take away from the nightmarish quality, though. The girl in the 92 jacket seems to have just a bit of a smile on her face, like she's trying to suppress a laugh. That could totally just be my interpretation, but I also noticed it a bit on the girl in the gray jacket.

Overall, though, the idea is solid, and these woods are a great setting for this. I believe you are on the right track!!
January 3rd, 2012
If you have an editing program that supports curves you could try a bit of cross processing....take each color and make the line into an S shape with the S going from upper right to lower left. Play with the curve of the lines till you get an effect you like, but you have to do Red, Green and Blue seperately for it to work....and what everyone else has already said!
January 3rd, 2012
Dreams are up for interpetation and totally unique to each individual. To convey a dream in pictures is an interesting project and truly subjective. Kudos for giving it a go.

Number one seems more surreal because the shadows play well without the sunlight. Again, it's very hard to interpet your intention. I like they are behind the young woman and she appears to know something is there yet cannot see it clearly. In the other two the person appears childlike. Trying to go unnoticed. The light is too distracting.
January 3rd, 2012
i like the first one.

i'd up the contrast and the tones though.

i agree that an angle from slightly higher would have worked well but if your only editting then try black and white and try keeping it in colour with everything amped and darkened.

another option to try would be selective and faded colour- such as black and white trees, darker contrasts on the shadows and faded colour for the girl (just a suggestion- i have no idea if it will work)

as for the other 2 the sunbursts do take away the scariness but its the girls pose isnt as good and the expression makes me want to laugh a bit. another reason is the shadows aren't as indistinct and chaotic and all look that they are alrady past the girl.

though i really do like the first one- reminds me of (and is much better than ) my gcse art project on same theme
January 3rd, 2012
The first one is my favourite, chiefly because the main character's face and body position looks wary, while the other ones suffer by just looking awkward. I love the basic concept (yay motion blur!), but think you should try a few things:

- try processing in B&W or split toning, with high contrasts to add drama
- try shooting closer in on the face of the main person - maybe half as far as you are now. Just seeing the edges of the other blurry people will still be effective, but you'll get more impact with the main subject's facial expression.
- what are the main subjects supposed to be feeling? Uncertainty? Fear? Get them to over exaggerate their emotions, as right now they just look mainly uncomfortable. Get them to go crazy over the top, then you can dial them back to the desired look for your shot.

Great project!
January 3rd, 2012
i might have had a play- so you could see what i meant- its always easier to have a visual.

done by upping the contrasts and colours and darkening all around the girl

done by using layers and turning it into black and white, amping the contrast, erasing the black and white to show some faded colour and changing the curves for the dramatic look.

hope this helps. do let us know
January 4th, 2012
i'm VERY new here and am in no position to offer anythink like a knowledgeable opinion, but... i think this concept is VERY cool and it comes off best in the first pic - as others have said, the light in the 2nd and 3rd tends to detract from the eeriness i think you are trying to capture...
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