Getting to know my camera

January 3rd, 2012
I have a really good camera, canon 1100D but I know I don't use it often or as well as I should- I know it has a lot more potential but I don't think I'm really fulfilling it! For photography at school I use a film camera so digital photography is generally just of friends and stuff and I don't use it often enough. I also don't have photoshop, only Picasa which doesn't really compare so I don't know the best way of editing photos either...
January 3rd, 2012
The only way to get better with your camera is to use it, use it, use it, and then, when you're done, use it. :) With digital (I shoot both that and film) you have the opportunity to do a lot of experimenting, because it's not like you have to waste a roll of film to do it. Go out and take some pictures - shoot the same item, over and over, in different modes, at different focal lengths, and with different lenses. Change and fiddle with your settings to find what works for you and what doesn't.

Join Flickr groups that are specific to your camera. Look for online videos, tutorials, etc. about it. See if there are instructional DVDs or such out there. All of those will help - but, really, it's a matter of using it.

The best way of editing photos is the way that works best for YOU and gets you the results you want. There is a plethora of editing software, etc., available, so much that it can be overwhelming. Try some of the free ones, like Picasa, Picnik, and to learn the basics. Then, you can move up to more serious software, like Photoshop. Or, if you have access to Photoshop at school, jump right in with that. Again, it's what works best for you, your budget, and your learning curve.

Good luck!
January 3rd, 2012
@tessatessa I feel ya. :) Yesterday I ordered Digital Photography Exposure for Dummy's. I'm hoping this will help inspire me to fully use the camera. One thing that has helped with my fear of using some of the settings has been reading the manual thoroughly. I know, what geek really reads the manual, but it's really helped.
January 3rd, 2012
I used to have a film SLR but had stopped using it a few years ago. I got my DSLR in May but only really started properly using it when I started 365 in September. Using it every day has made such a difference. And trying out different techniques made me explore a lot of the different settings. This site is great for giving you ideas to try different things with your camera.
January 3rd, 2012
read your camera manual from cover to cover and try every setting as you're going through it. then turn to the first page and do it all over again. you will know it back to front if you see this through.

P.S. don't worry so much with post-processing in photoshop etc just yet. Although it can add impact, IMO you're better off focusing on taking great photos and adding to them later on down the track as you slowly pick up processing skills.
January 3rd, 2012
@scatochef I totally agree with your last paragraph!
January 5th, 2012
@beautifulthing @beautifulthing @scatochef @bmnorthernlight @herussell thank you thank you thank you! will do all the above without a doubt! X
January 6th, 2012
Once you totally understand your camera, then all you have to concern yourself with is the light. And, it is all about the light!!!
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