Photographing Steam

February 7th, 2012
This is probably a very obvious question to non-novice photographers, but here goes!

I really want to be able to take photos of steam as it rises from hot food/drinks, etc, but I'm not sure how to do about doing it. I think a lot of it might be to do with the natural light in the room at the time, but apart from that, I'm clueless! Some people manage to get gorgeous shots of steam rising, and I'd love to be able to take some shots of that myself!

I have a Nikon D40, if that helps. Thank you in advance! :-)
February 7th, 2012
Yes, the steam needs to be illuminated against a darkish background in order for it to pop. :)

February 7th, 2012
Hi! Remembered I had taken 2 shots of steam billowing around my kitchen in December - I guess in answering your question, I'd say that light and dark are both really important - you'll see from the first that the light is really doing the work though I upped the shadow a little to accentuate it and you notice it more where it's out of the flare. In the 2nd one I took it from a different angle where it was in both light and shadow, and added a yellow tint to show it a bit clearer. (I think I was cooking pasta without the exelair and got lucky with the light).
Hope they might help a bit?

February 7th, 2012
i agree with the lighting and the dark background...that's what worked for me
for this one i only had the lights on over the stove

and this one i had a little led light (that my hubby has for his video camera- hot shoe) set off to the can see it reflecting in the bowl...but it gave me the right light to catch the steam
February 7th, 2012
Trial & error - with great skill I might have been able to prevent the candle looking over exposed..

February 7th, 2012
Oh wow, thank you for the advice everyone, and for sharing your beautiful pictures! This was the shot I went with from today;

... but it was pretty tricky, and methinks it will take A LOT more practice to get it right!!

Thank you again! :-)
February 7th, 2012
@dkg LOVE the photo of the steam over the pie!!! so yummy!
February 7th, 2012
Hi Alex! I tried a steam shot in early January and had no clue on how to do it. I finally gave up and just drank my overheated coffee. LOL @vignesh suggested a bit more light crossing through the steam would have helped mine stand out more. Looks like you nailed it, though!

February 7th, 2012
Thank you Linden, I appreciate it! Your shot is beautiful though, and has much less 'noise' in the background than mine! I know what you mean though, there comes a point where you just think "sod it" and drink up before it gets too cold!
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