Critic on macro.

February 7th, 2012
I have not been shooting for very long but I love macro photos.

I love shooting photos of plants and other close ups, and would really love some advice for macro pictures, and feedback on my macro photography.
February 7th, 2012
@thepictures A good lens (I have a 100mm) , good light and a tripod also works, if you find that you don't have a tripod , then steady hands and holding your breath helps a lot ;-)

I like to do abstract images when doing plant macros

When photographing things from home, the macro lenses manages to pick up things the naked eye doesn't see so well...tiny dust specs being one thing which is the bane of my life.

Good luck and enjoy :-)
February 7th, 2012
@crimper_chun thank you, I have a 200mm, and a tripod so i will be using your advice
February 7th, 2012
Good light and a VERY steady hand or a tripod! The number of shots I've had at the extreme end of what my equipment can do, but failed because my hand wasn't steady enough.
February 7th, 2012
Depth-of-field is a massive challenge for macro work. If you like lots of detail you need to shoot with a narrow aperture, often the smallest available (though you sacrifice some sharpness due to diffraction). In that case you'll almost certainly need to use flash, though it is possible to work with a tripod, just not in the wind. To do it on the cheap google "home made ring flash". Alternatively, you could investigate focus-stacking techniques to obtain extended or unlimited depth of field, without losing sharpness.

Personally, I like very shallow DOF and lots of blur so hand holding isn't usually a problem.
February 7th, 2012
Alex, You have the Micro nikkor? Nikon have more than one 200mm. but only one of them I am aware of is a true macro lens.
Assuming you have this, @dieter gave good advice. I would add experiment with your lens to see where increased depth of field is offset by the diffraction. Every lens has a different sweet spot.
February 7th, 2012
@lilbudhha good point :) and if you don't have a true macro you could try looking into extension tubes or reverse lensing before investing $$$ in a real one
February 8th, 2012
I do have the 200mm macro nikkor. Thank you for the great advice will be using it.
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