It's me again .. need criticism :D

April 23rd, 2012
Hello :)

I took a portrait and tried to break the rule in it :)

Umm when i use the text format thing.. the photo doesn't appear!! ( tell me how you all do it :D )

Here's the link in my project

The wise man picture

and here i am trying to do the image thing

April 23rd, 2012
It worked fine for me!
April 23rd, 2012
@sobefree :D Thanks
April 23rd, 2012
The angle makes it look like he is carrying that "wall" on his back, otherwise I think this is a pretty good photo.
April 23rd, 2012
I love the lighting and the sepia tones. I would have tried to not crop as much (keep his head from being cut off). I was going to suggest cropped in on his face more, but then I realized that capturing his hands and the cane tells so much of the story. I love that it does tell a story.
April 23rd, 2012
I took a composition class over the weekend, and one thing that was mentioned was to never crop at the joints of a persons' body. I'm wondering how this would look if you opened up your cropping to include more of his legs...?

I love his expression, by the way. Makes me wonder what he's thinking... :-)
April 23rd, 2012
Is it critique you need? No one needs criticism. Good photo but I don't like your MASSIVE COLOURFUL thingy name thing. But I like the photo for sure.
The shoulder seams are confusing though aren't they?
April 23rd, 2012
The lighting is beautiful and the focus on his face is really nice. But the crop/angle just isn't workin' for me. It looks to me like he's sitting on a toilet (sorry, not trying to be a smart-a$$, that's just honestly what it looks like to me). I agree with @socalgal about the crop at the knees as well. You're definetly on the right track, just a little refinement in the composition.
April 24th, 2012
Nice subject ,but do agree with the others, the poor man does not look comfortable.......
April 26th, 2012
I think you could add more contrast to the highlights and shadows for more drama in the photo.
April 27th, 2012
Thank you all!! i think you're all right~ will put all your advices in mind next time when i try to shoot a portrait ;)
April 27th, 2012
Not a bad shot... but I actually agree with @chewyteeth, whats going on with his shoulders? is that the shadow or is it his jacket riding up? It confuses me near his right shoulder how it just cuts down. I personally think that if you're going to break rules, try going all out... i'd have liked to see his head near the top left and put him on a slant
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