WWYD - need advice - not a challenge - processing

July 25th, 2012
My husband woke me up this morning to show me the rainbow, he thought I would want some pic's. I don't think the settings were right (don't even remember what they were - I tried a couple things). There is even a faint double rainbow.

How would you process this to get the most out of the rainbow, it's colors, and improve that ugly sky color. Seems to me that all the processing options there was always a trade-off of something you had to give up.

Thanks in advance for any advice you have.

July 25th, 2012
Looks like you have the faint beginnings of a double rainbow. This is how rainbows look when I take them in our area. Maybe some hdr treatment would help.

This is the only one I have for this year and the image is solarized which reversed the colors. The sky though came out really interesting.

July 25th, 2012
I just got this rainbow shot a couple of days ago. I took a zillion shots and adjusted the settings as I took them because I really couldn't tell if they were working at the time. Afterwards I used a "raw boost" setting Aperture has which pumped up the colours and sky a bit. I think I moved the saturation button up a tiny bit too. Rainbows are tricky!!

July 25th, 2012
@dmortega Super color shot! The colours are so intense!
July 25th, 2012
@myhrhelper That's one huge rainbow. Did you use a wide angle lens? I'd suggest just fiddling with your settings until you find what you like best.
July 25th, 2012
I love taking shots of rainbows, but they are very tricky to get right. you're photographing scattered light, so there's nothing definite to focus on. Best thing to do is play with the saturation of the image's colors, trying to get the rainbow to pop. If you can adjust individual channels, give that a try as well. Best of luck! Show us your results!

July 25th, 2012
add an unsharp mask, increase saturation to taste and go over the whole image with a burn tool (you can go over the trees with a dodge tool if you like too :D) thats one way of bringing out the colours there are many more. it comes out like this
July 25th, 2012
@asrai Thank you! I never knew about the unsharp mask (saw it but never tried it) and didn't know what the burn tool was for. I will play with another rainbow image and post.

@pschtyckque Those are so beautiful, I thought rainbows would be easy but as you said it is hard to focus - my auto focus didn't work for it. I think I will for sure need to saturate the colors.

@kwind Now I'm going to show my ignorance (just got my DSLR in May) I am using the one that came with the camera 18 - 55mm. I don't think it is a wide angle. Your shot is gorgeous!

@dmortega Someone else suggested HDR on a separate page - I will ahve to look into that as well.

July 25th, 2012
@myhrhelper I took this with my point-and-shoot and added a 'boost' in picasa which really brought out the colours and the beginnings of a double-rainbow which I hadn't spotted before. I think I may have increased both shadows and brightness but the boost normally does that so it might not have been necessary. Well done on catching the rainbow at all - and top marks to hubby!
July 26th, 2012
Tell hubby good work, I have enjoyed reading all the suggestions!
July 26th, 2012
I played with it in PicMonkey, used Eye Bright on the rainbows, very carefully to keep out of the sky, then adjusted the temperature a touch cooler

Will delete at request

July 26th, 2012
@pschtyckque Chris, that is the most beautiful rainbow picture I have ever seen. All rainbows are special, but this photo is awesome.
July 26th, 2012
@henrir Wow! Quite a compliment! I'm honored!
July 30th, 2012
@myhrhelper one to use if you have photoshop is the sponge tool saturated/desaturate, this way you can adjust the saturation of the rainbow and not the rest of the image that seems to be fine.
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