Action Figure Portraits

August 16th, 2012
1. What do you think of action figure portraits in general?
2. What do you think of this photo?

I had someone on one of my DeviantArt posts bitch on about how posing action figures and taking pictures of them was not art. Opinions?
August 16th, 2012
I don't know. I think it's kind of fun to play around with toys.

August 16th, 2012
On my Flickr site

August 16th, 2012
@remirixjones Do you like the photo? If so, who cares what the internet thinks? Someone out there will hate everything you do, regardless. Ignore them.

I love photographing toys. They're easier to work with than people. ;-)
August 16th, 2012
I think action figures are great. There are some really talented people on this site who make a real story of what is going on with their figures. Chris Wang did a briallant shot of toy soldiers stealing socks from the washing machine, and there have been many more.
I rarely offer critique, as I don't know much technical stuff, but from a personal appeal value for me, I wish the blurred backgound wasn't there, as to me it takes away the focus of the figurines. In saying that, everyone has different tastes, and some would love this DOF.
As @pschtyckque says...your the one who has to like it!!
August 16th, 2012
very cool~ i like toys and photography! it will be great to combine the two together :) i've seen some awesome lego figure on Flickr. Who cares if other people don't like them as long as you enjoy it!
August 16th, 2012
@remirixjones I think it's silly to say that taking portraits of posing action figures cannot be art. That being said, for me personally, I tend to like action figures shot best when 1) The action figures is isolated from the real world, using backdrops etc., to focus on the action figures themselves or 2) The action figures are purposely placed in and interacts with the real world as in Paul's @webfoot shots above.

I had a look at some of your other action figure shots too, and as you emotionally describes the figures I have a feeling you would like your shots to be in the first category. For that the blurred background in the shot above is good as I really don't want to see the blinds. On the other hand, I would have liked to see more details Rita Repulsa's arm as that's now just a brown blurry bit taking up most of the frame, so for that I would have preferred a larger depth of field.

I believe this shot from @crimper_chun tells a similar story as your shot, but more isolated from the real world
August 16th, 2012

August 16th, 2012
Well we all do this for ourselves ultimately and you can't please everyone. It's great to get in touch with your inner child!
August 16th, 2012

August 16th, 2012
Action figures are one of the first things I started photographing when I got my camera. They're great for practicing lighting and stuff on, but most importantly you can have fun.

August 16th, 2012
Are Gumby and Pokey action figures?
August 16th, 2012
I totally agree with @beeblebear - our action figures got us together as 365 and flickr buddies. I think they can be art as they can depict so much feeling in such a simplistic way ....

August 16th, 2012
@remirixjones the big sleeve in the front is hurting my eyes because of the bokeh on it.

I did/started a series a few years ago that others took on too.

search images with the tag 'crazy arse australians' and go to page two to see mine and other's interpretations.

Here are a few:

August 16th, 2012
@jlhopgood I've wanted one of these .... haven't got one yet!

Oh yeah another with Danbo. Took a few the other day with him and his girlfriend, only haven't had time to edit and upload yet.

August 16th, 2012
Snow Angels ...

"I.... Feel .... FABULOUS!!"

"Slightest bit of sun ... and you get a full moon"

August 16th, 2012
I think action figures can be fun.
To your pic,The large oof area in the foreground is very distracting, IMO. I think that's her arm and hand? Should be in focus, I think. Or the pic could be cropped to remove some of that oof area, perhaps everything below the bottom of her hand.
Anyway, a recent action figure pic of mine. It was for a theme about movies.

August 16th, 2012
Sometimes I'll get the gang together for a group shot.

August 16th, 2012
Imagine his surprise when Eggbert discovered he wasn't an action hero!

August 16th, 2012
Figures are fun! Going to have to give them another go! (just not mentally prepared to go through my son's room to find them)
From waaaay back, day 20. ChopChop, never underestimate the little guy

and day 21- Cancan
August 16th, 2012
I'll throw in a few of mine too

August 16th, 2012
Interesting :)
August 16th, 2012
my project is littered with action figures including action man himself ..well actually several of him:

this is one of my favs
August 16th, 2012
August 16th, 2012
and then theres Lego:

there are a few more in my project, and no doubt there will be even more before my 365 year finishes.

In answer to your questions Remi-Rix, 1. Action figures are fun. If you like photographing them dont take any notice of peeps on deviant art. 2. I'm not expert. Just keep on taking photos that you like ;-)
August 16th, 2012

August 16th, 2012
Here's another one.

You are in charge of your own art. Art is subjective, so yeah, people might not call it art. Does that make them right? Nope.
August 16th, 2012
August 16th, 2012
August 16th, 2012

if you enjoy photographing objects - which is all they are, ten go for it , it doesnt matter what other people coment, its your shots and time and should be fun for you
August 16th, 2012
I love these pictures. I enjoy photographing toys, both small and large. I haven't posted many, but maybe I'll add a few small toys now and then.
August 16th, 2012
@5unflow3r I love your version of Gulliver's Travels -- what a neat idea!
August 16th, 2012
@remirixjones Anything can be art. Some people don't consider photography art. I say to heck with them!
August 16th, 2012

Bender Joe Goes Camping...not really an action figure but what you don't see is how great of a mountain biker he really is.
August 16th, 2012
I wasn't allowed to have action figures as a kid... so I just played with my food instead.

And I agree with the others, I think the out of focus foreground in this shot is too distracting. Are they meant to be in an embrace?

However, a short lived project on the 365 was Lazy Smurf and Hawaiian Lego Lady.

August 16th, 2012
How about model railway figurines?

August 16th, 2012
@remirixjones Of course posing action figures for photos is art! By that person's definition, photos of still life couldn't be art, either. How about posed photos of people? Personally, I find your action figure photos to be both creative and entertaining. They certainly fit in my definition of art.

As to the photo you posted here and asked for thoughts, I like the two action figure poses and the story it tells. I find the flesh tone in the foreground to be distracting, however. I'd recommend either eliminating it entirely, or going with a longer depth of field so it's less blurred. The background you selected for the shot is perfect. I like the color and pattern, and the blur is just about right for it. Overall lighting on the scene is very good, and the colors really pop. Your subject is well focused. I'd just eliminate that flesh tone foreground.
August 16th, 2012
This is such a fun post.
August 16th, 2012
@momsta The broccoli shot is just amazing
August 16th, 2012
well your answer is in the thread I guess. They are a popular subject, but if you scroll down the page there's not many different pictures to be had, imho. They get less humerous as you see them repeated. As for the person who ranted at you, just do more, and tag them in. Do some super-cheese ones just to annoy them. ;)
August 17th, 2012
i think they are fun to do, excellent composition practice and can be amazingly creative... altho', like anything else, once you're supersaturated they start to get old real fast...

for your shot i find the large bit that is out of focus (her sleeve i guess) to be rather distracting on my eye... but that's just me (and my wonky eyes)... playing with dof can really add to these shots so you need to do what works for you...

as for the troll - well, they're entitled to their opinion, right? but you can ignore it and as you will have seen from all the responses you got, lots of photogs like playing with toys :)

i have several toy shots... here is one...
August 17th, 2012
August 17th, 2012
How fun, there are many that I really like and I can definitely see how it's artistic...I agree if that is what you want to photograph then GO FOR IT.......not every picture is for everyone....if they don't like it oh well....but if you do then awesome...I think I will try it myself, they look fun....
August 17th, 2012
I think any art has its boundaries, but as long as its not devastating personally or humanely, most anything goes.
August 17th, 2012
honestly, what do I think of them? they can be cute sometimes, but most them time I wish people would stop taking pictures of fake things and get to the good stuff: real peoples ;)
August 17th, 2012
Heh, there's some great stuff here! :)
So I thought I'd have a go, albeit without any actual action figures:

August 17th, 2012
Thanks to everyone for their opinions. I'm still trying to see the problem with the sleeve being out of focus. But yeah, people are entitled to their opinions. My question about the DA troll was more what do you think of someone calling something 'not art'? That's more what I was getting at.
August 17th, 2012
Don't ask me about Art. My photography is about science, so I call myself a Scientist. I have met artists who create art, they use a skill and ability to which I have no way of achieving when I hold their brushes and canvas yet when they hold my camera, they can capture the same moment in time as I do.
August 18th, 2012
Just some ;)

August 18th, 2012
@remirixjones art is in the eye of the beholder, no? there are all sorts of works of art that sell for bazillions that i don't "get" and have no interest in trying to "get" - but someone clearly thinks they are art, right? one person's garbage is another's art and vice versa and so forevermore!
August 18th, 2012
@bobfoto Interesting. I don't think I really understand what you mean by your photography is about science. Care to elaborate? :)
August 19th, 2012
@remirixjones - Its all about factors that can have values, light can be measured, ISO can be set, f-stop has values. You get the mix right with assistance from a mass-manufactured machine. In some cases, the machine sits on a tripod and is remotely activated - even less human contact. Also, 90% of the photographs here and around the world are of things that exist, we don't create them, we find them. We don't create the image, we stop time for a brief second.

The Artists I know, have spent years like me learning their craft, when they apply paint to paper or canvas, they are creating an image that no-one has ever seen before. Except for those hyper-realism freaks... I would gladly pay hard earned money to enter a gallery and stand quietly in front of an oil, an acrylic, a watercolour and say wowee, how much skill and ability and time has gone into that? Even if I stood alongside Van Gogh, used the same paper as he, and the same paint as he and the same brushes, I could not in my wildest dreams reproduce what Van Gogh would. But if we stood side by side and aimed at the same view, with the same camera and the same settings, we would both produce a very similar image.
August 19th, 2012
@remirixjones - sorry for the muddy response...
August 19th, 2012
@bobfoto That's a really cool perspective. Thanks for elaborating. :D
August 19th, 2012
@remirixjones - It is not everyone's cup of tea, and it may rub a few up the wrong way. I see photography as being pretty simple really.
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