Low Key Help

September 7th, 2012
I have attempted a couple of low key images and I'm thinking of taking these again because I am not really happy with them. Please share your thoughts, tips and suggestions. Thanks.

September 7th, 2012
How about this tutorial?


All your pictures look great, though, by the way!
September 7th, 2012
Think the first would look really great converted to B+W. When I tried out some low key stuff I found lighting from the side gave really nice effects as you then got dramatic shadows - again on the first one this could be interesting. I think the second works much better because you have some highlights in there on the glass as well as the flames - tis a cool shot
September 7th, 2012
Strong side lighting and B&W help quite a bit in my opinion.

September 7th, 2012
I really like your scond shot, it's lovely. I really enjoy doing low-key photography. I always find a extra light does the trick. You could use a regular lamp if you don't have studio lights. Get someone to help you hold it, move it around your subject to see what works.
September 8th, 2012
I think I'm taken with low key - haven't tried it yet but am picking up hints and ideas. I just love the top photo - that touch of lilac around a candle in perfect focus!
September 8th, 2012
I think they are both great - if it's not what you were thinking of, have you tried darkening it a little with processing and see if that makes it more of what you had in mind? Good on you for trying something different
September 8th, 2012
@kateygivan @katharinehubbard @webfoot @tracywilliams @maggiemae @filsie65
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. It's a rainy day here today so I am going to do some reading up on low key and maybe later attempt it again. I do have some studio lights but thought I would try using natural light.
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