Can you check this out

December 3rd, 2012
Just recently trying new things with my camera and different ways of taking photos, can you please leave me comments on them and what you like, or what i can do better to make them better?

Thanks very much
December 3rd, 2012
Top picture a little to cool warm it up a little and focus/sharp on toes. Middle picture I love.
Bottom is cute but maybe frame the picture a little wider left arm looks odd and right hand on the male.
Just my 2 cents :)
December 3rd, 2012
Nice shots.

I'd say with the top one, it's hard to work out just what's actually in focus. For a shot like that with a shallow depth of field, you really need the focus on a feature such as the baby's toes. Just noticed @orca5150 said the same thing :)

The butterfly looks great and you got really sharp focus on its eyes, but it would benefit a lot from being sharpened in software using an "unsharp mask" or similar.
December 3rd, 2012
I think the only thing I would add to the above comments would have been to increase the dof in the bottom picture so that more of the subjects are in focus, especially the eyes.
December 3rd, 2012
A standard rule of thumb from wedding photography works for the 3rd image... if you're only going to get one thing in focus, make it the bride's [baby's] eyes, and of the two, the closer eye is the ideal one.
December 3rd, 2012
for the 2nd shot, try using a needle to pierce the [dead] butterfly, and hold the needle with the pliers. you should be able to clone out the needle at that point, and make the moth 'fly' again. just a thought, I need to do more macro bug shooting, there's just so few around here.
December 3rd, 2012
@orca5150 @pizzaboy @mgirard @cameronknowlton Thanks very much i will take all those comments into practice and see what i can do The 3rd one maybe i cropped it too much, might go back and re look at it.

@cameronknowlton The butterfly wasnt dead lol, we were at a butterfly house with them flying around us, not sure they would like me piercing it lol :) But thanks for that
December 3rd, 2012
Butter fly pic - I might have utilized the rule of thirds and cropped off some of the bottom and right side instead of having it dead center. I think the eye would be drawn even more to the butterfly and a bit less to the pipe that way.
December 3rd, 2012
BTW, I really love the composition of the man and baby. Great capture.
December 3rd, 2012
@vstowe what do you mean? point the camera on the left wing instead?
December 3rd, 2012
Rule of thirds, not pointing camera on left wing. I was going to post a link but it won't let me attach it. Google search rule of thirds it will show you.
December 3rd, 2012
@kiwigirl04 Well, yes, that is what I meant but now I've changed my mind. I decided to download your photo and crop it to show you. Once I did so, I decided it looked better with the upper right wing being in the center instead. (Which makes sense because people who read from left to right, as we do in English, are more comfortable seeing photos that move from left to right.) After I cropped it, I then got carried away and edited out the pipe just for grins. You can find it here:
December 3rd, 2012
@vstowe thanks
December 4th, 2012
Ok so i have googled it and i understand the rule of thirds now my questions is can you get your camera set to do this? or do you need to do the editing for it?
December 20th, 2012
agree with the above except for :

2. I've not really taken a good look but i'm not convinced that the rule of thirds here is the best rule... i'd try putting it dead centre and filling the frame with it

3. Agree with @cameronknowlton on this one. Good use of DoF here BUT i find it a bit confusing... my eye's focusing on the adult as he's in focus but it moves to the baby as thats where the animation is in this image.. but as the baby's not in focus, i slip back to the adult... its an endless loop and feels a little jarring
December 21st, 2012
Lovely shots!

1. I would've tried to focus on the baby's feet, as this would seem to be the most interesting thing in the shot (for me anyway), and it's a little cool, but you can always warm an image up in post.

2.I like this image! The focus is good, as is the depth of field.

3. I would've stopped your aperture down to a bigger number (sorry - I'm not sure if this is possible on the camera you're using!) to ensure the man and the baby were both in focus. Also, the image looks a little 'grey', but this can very easily be fixed by playing around with Levels in an editing program.

@toast Completely agree that the rule of thirds might not work the best here. I want to see the butterfly close-up, the texture of its wings etc., not particularly lots of empty space.

@kiwigirl04 You 'act out' the rule of thirds as you're taking the photo. So if I was taking a photo of a person and they were standing right in front of me, I would reframe my photo by moving my camera so that the person is situated to the left/right of the frame. I hope that makes sense!
December 23rd, 2012
@toast @oblique thanks very much...
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