keeping 365 going

January 14th, 2011
hi i've been doing this and got about 50 shots, but i'm running out of ideas as i dont get out much.
any suggestions for inspiration are gratefully received.

feel free to check out my project / follow / comment

thanks everyone
January 14th, 2011 :) try the daily challenge!
January 14th, 2011
I took a look at your photos and like your work. I am on Day 15 so I may not have much advice for you. I have not been getting out much either. I have been looking around my house (and neighborhood) for photo ops. I have also been looking at things from different angles and perspectives. I am reading a book, Learning to See Creatively-How to Compose Great Photographs. The author, Bryan Peterson, assigns exercises for the reader to do. I am doing one of the exercises the latter part of this week. These exercises are challenging me to try new things, which helps me. I will be interested in seeing what other 365 project members tell you.
January 14th, 2011
@marvzz This is a great site! I love it, gives a new idea or perspective.
January 14th, 2011
@amorton1437 yup, i got that link from someone also within this 365 community.. forgot who :) nice site indeed, havent tried one of their challenges though... hehe
January 14th, 2011
Look at the themes and challenges . . . The themes generally provide some inspiration to photograph things you usually wouldn't . . . and lots of members post and share challenges they're doing in the discussion thread you can join in, otherwise browse the stuff here . . . lots of inspiration to be found!
January 14th, 2011
Having been here a whole year, today marks 365 for me :o) I still find it hard to get a picture a day. Some days an idea just comes to you, or a photo opportunity just lands at your feet, But other days are a struggle!

My advice..stick with it! It is YOUR project, it is YOUR photos so post a picture which represents YOU or YOUR day!

Ohhh and enjoy it :o) xXx
January 14th, 2011
thanks all for your comments - i will have a look at the links
January 14th, 2011
Take your camera with you everywhere you go, then when you see something interesting, you can take a photo. :-)
January 14th, 2011
@marvzz thanks for posting this link. i just finished my first 365 and when the time comes for me to start round two i am totally going to put it to use. :o)
January 14th, 2011
oh my gosh....keep up the good work kylie! as i stated, i just finished my first project yesterday and it feels amazing. i got stumped but solidered on and you can too. your photos are awesome, can't wait to see what else you come up with.
January 14th, 2011
Try buying this eBook:

It's a hell of a lot of helpful stuff for 5$

A few suggestions. (1) Open a dictionary or book, randomly point to a word. Force yourself to find an image associated with that word in some way. (2) What was the most important thing about your day? Capture and image somehow (3) Pick a technique or photographic concept (ie. Rhythm, HDR) you have not done before and do it.

Lastly, I vote for carrying a camera and spare batteries Everywhere.
January 14th, 2011
@cakebaker - thank you
January 14th, 2011
Definitely take your camera with you wherever you go... it sounds like a chore in and of itself, but it really does make a world of difference!
January 14th, 2011
you can find millions of ideas around the house: nick-nacks, collections, pets, kids, just start looking through the viewfinder.
January 14th, 2011
don't overthink things. some of my better photos are days I was totally uninspired so I just basically aimed my camera and shot.
I expect & know there will be days when inspiration totally fails me, so it doesn't bother me so much. What I hate are the days when I have this great shot imagined in my head & for the life of me can't get it transfered to "film".
January 14th, 2011
Hi Kylie, remember that quite often the light and the angles change, so do not be afraid to take 2 photos of the same thing. You do not have to have 365 unique photos on this site...

this will be my mantra when I hit the wall.
January 14th, 2011
@marvzz thanks for that website, great idea!
January 14th, 2011
Yes, take your camera with you, at all times. Just be careful doing a u-turn on the freeway to get that shot that just flashed by you.

Also don't be afraid to got back to the scene of a previous shot, things change. Also, think about archiving buildings in a nearby town, don't end up with that "wish I taken that Picture" feeling.
January 14th, 2011
I'm mostly a stay-at-home and work-at-home person too. I'm almost done with 365 days, and even got another album, so I try to post 2x perday. Sometimes it is hard to come up with ideas, but that is part of the challenge. Just take one thing, like a tree, and shoot in different weather and from different angles. Anyway, if you enjoy the focus this site gives you, don't worry or care what somone else thinks. Many people will post pics from other days, and no one even checks when you took the picture! Go easy on yourself and just don't give up! I think your shots are very promising and creative. :-)
January 14th, 2011
@capemayblackdog Thanks for the link to the Craft & Vision site - some awesome and inspiring books in the collection.
January 15th, 2011
I looked at your photos and I love them. I started out posting a photo a day of just whatever was going on in my day. However, I'm using this as more of a personal photo-journal of a year in my life. At some point, I was unable to post every day, so I have some holes. I have come to rely on the built-in dating of my photos so I can upload lots of pics and post them for the appropriate day.
I found that keeping my camera on me all the time made it easier to capture a moment. I look forward to seeing more of your photos.
January 15th, 2011
I always feel so sad when people say they're running out of ideas. I agree with @byrdlip - keep your camera with you ALWAYS!! Even if it's a big clunky accessory, it is SO worth it to come home and not be kicking yourself because you saw something amazing and had to settle for a blackberry shot. Since I started carrying my Nikon D3000 with me everywhere, it takes me substantially longer to get anywhere because I always have to stop to photograph something.

Make your camera part of you!! Let it be your third eye and your perfect memory tool. Anything you can see, you can photograph...and anything can be magnified and captured in an amazing way. :)
January 15th, 2011
Take you camera everywhere and take pictures. I created my own daily themes but you can just keep take pictures. We all go through stages in this project.
January 15th, 2011
I was at Michael's today looking for frames and I got completely sidetracked by looking at the generic filler photos they put in the frames for sale. Some had people, some were landscapes, many were florals, there were macros and lighthouses- amazing stuff! Who knew I'd get inspired by them?
January 15th, 2011
i don't have alot of advice for you but i will say that my photos are very random and as I go about my daily life, I try to stop and take a picture of something interesting along the way. Usually it's something my kids are doing. You don't have to be super creative every day of the week. I use my project as a visual diary, basically it's documented my year. Try not to overthink it.
January 15th, 2011
Hi, my daughter & I live in different states and she was so inspired by the movie "Julie & Julia" she wanted to start a project which will keep us communicating daily in some way even though we live long-distance. In comes the 365Project.... Now I can see " somewhat " what's going on in my Baby's life, although she's not physically with me. It makes me happy & keeps me from being a Nagging Nelly!!! Lol She is "Picture Perfeck" Check her out. -The only advice I could share is, get an accountability buddy and he/she will help you & you can help them- :-) :-P :-) :-P Happy Posting!!!
January 15th, 2011
I also find it really hard to find things to take photos of, (that's why my gallery is filled with cats :p)
But I suggest just checking out some art sites like deviantart and maybe even tumblr, these always seem to inspire me :)

I think its so awesome you are doing this with your daughter! I was also doing this with my friends who had moved away, but alas I am the only one left :(

Good luck to you both!
January 15th, 2011
thank you all so much for the advice, kind words etc - love to you all xx
January 28th, 2011
@tashachawner No Prob!
January 28th, 2011
Hey I've done a full month of one-a-day and have posted some of my favorite spares on December and i'm not running out now, but am thinking i won't do a full year without losing motivation. My main hope is that the changes in season and weather give me renewed drive throughout...?!?
January 29th, 2011
same here Dave - am seeing some flowers start to come up and i know where some nice clusters are, got some planned for an anniversary at start of feb - so getting there
well done on a month of dailies day - not doing too bad on those but have snuck in a couple of day before shots
January 30th, 2011
I believe it's normal to lose interest along the way, but just keep getting pictures, even if they are uninspired for a while, you'll come across some great ideas and you'll get going again. At least that's what I found. Checking out other photo sites always help me find inspiration too, people come up with wonderful concepts.
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