The Critique Game

May 31st, 2011
So you probably know how this works, I just couldn't find the discussion, I think it has been deleted.

The aim of this is to boost 365'ers confidence but it also helps them improve.

Anyway, its simple. You look at the project of the person that posts before and look at their most recent photo. Post it here (copy and paste the link from the "share" box on the right) and write one thing you like about the photo, and one piece of constructive criticism (how the photo can be improved).

If you want to start by looking at my most recent photo, then we can get started!

May 31st, 2011

Love your angle because it pulls you right in along the shaft to the water droplet.
I would not have rounded the corners - I find they fight with your very simple and clean image. I seem to notice them first before the pic.
May 31st, 2011
@thebluegnu: This is gonna be hard, I love your work too much ;).

I love the motif, what a beautiful old boat!
I find the blue paint stain a bit disctracting and might have tried to edit it out.
May 31st, 2011
I really enjoy this edit...and the colors...I would add maybe a phrase in there or something though. IDK That's just me haha!
May 31st, 2011

Hey @suomiiiii Nice tribute shot for memorial day! My suggestions for this shot would be to either crop less (not sure if you cropped it though?) or zoom out/step back a bit when taking this shot so that the "U" in USA isn't slightly cut off and same with the bottom of the flag.

it's a nice simple idea and overall I like your shot! :)
May 31st, 2011

I really like the reflection in the pen-tip. But is this picture flipped or are you left-handed? It somehow looks strange, normally you look at a pen from the other side. Then the words would be reflected in the pen as well. I like the vignette this, but be sure that it doesn't overpower everything. And do the words mean anything or are they just random. Would be even more powerful if they did.
All in all I really like the shot but think there is room for a little bit of improvement.
May 31st, 2011
@geertje I love the idea behind this one but thing that a brighter and more saturated exposure would've brought it out more, also your shots are awesome in general...

May 31st, 2011
@killerjackalope Thanks Adam, but the idea is that you look only at the most recent photo... Ok, don't mind.
May 31st, 2011
@geertje Derp, I got confused and started floating through your photos...
May 31st, 2011
@killerjackalope That's a compliment! Thanks for the follow!
May 31st, 2011

Thanks Adam @killerjackalope - where do I start LOL! I gaffawed out loud when I saw this - GREAT CAPTURE - love the movement in the girls hair - the expressions (of the guys behind too) and the canoodling couple in the background who are oblivious to the rest of the world! As to what could be better? I guess you could maybe airbrush some of the activity in the background like the picture frames and maybe the stool behind her head to take some of the clutter away. But it's a spur of the moment shot so any more than that would take away the sponteneity. NICE ONE
May 31st, 2011
@geertje I liked your photos so followed :)

@sparkle Thanks Juliette, I ended up ding very little to the picture because I couldn't decide what to do - the picture frames were in my head but the whole thing's tipped to their angle a bit so I didn't in the end... Thank you again :)
May 31st, 2011

I like the feeling of this shot- Big Ben against a dark moody sky, but the exposure seems off to me here.
May 31st, 2011
@rebcastillo77 LOL - I took my old P&S camera with me and i've realised it's clarity is nowhere close to my newer one. That said the conditions were not great - the sky was very patchy - light and dark and I've got a whole pile of shots even with higher exposure where Big Ben is in almost silhouette! I think this was +2/3. Would be interesting to know if it was the camera or the conditions - processing has bought out some of the clarity the originals were lacking! thanks for the comments - much appreciated - food for thought!
May 31st, 2011
I like the idea of this photo, but the graininess in the background is putting me off.
Maybe something to do with how the noise seems to flow in her hair as well.
For me this would be improved with a sharper focus on the model.
May 31st, 2011

The technique here is really well done and I love the overall feeling of motion. The only thing that I think would improve it would be if you could see more of the girl's face, but even so it's still a fab shot.
May 31st, 2011

This shot is so great! And sooc, wow! I love the bokeh the droplets create, but the background on this image is so busy it almost takes away from the delicate raindrops, especially since the focused ones are so small in the image. I do LOVE the color though, the way the blue just pops! Great shot overall. :)
May 31st, 2011
@amyhughes I really love this washed out, vintagy feeling of this photo. The rounded corners also give it and old photo feel which I love. And the subject is just super cute! My old critique would be to maybe crop out the bag and wrappers on the left - I find it detracts a little from the central image.

May 31st, 2011

I love the focus on this fuchsia flower and the little bit of a spider's web. The bokeh is perfect, too. I wonder, however, if slight vignetting would have drawn the eye inward more.
May 31st, 2011

this is just a beautiful crisp and the color is just spot on...i really would not change anything, but for the sake of this thread, maybe have the background trees at a softer focus so the flag(the star of the pic) would really stand out:)
May 31st, 2011
@nickshore Thank you for your thoughts- the graininess that you are seeing is actually a texture layer added in PP. I can see what you are talking about with the texture on her hair and will keep that in mind in the future.
May 31st, 2011

I like this photo very much. The softness, the wispy baby hair, so lovely. My only critique would be I'd like to see the face. other than that, I wouldn't change a thing.
May 31st, 2011

Great shot! I really the green and the angle it is. The sky seems a bit blown out so maybe using recovery could help with that, but otherwise great shot!
May 31st, 2011
@ibelayni Thanks! The sky actually was all white and I had to work to get that bit of blue to come out. At the time though, I did think that I would be back on a day when the sky is prettier, so I totally agree with you. :-)
May 31st, 2011

Love the candid shot and the way you've captured his expression. Hard to find a criticism............perhaps it would look better if you cropped his feet?
May 31st, 2011

i love the reflection in this shot and i envy people who can actually capture it...i don't do very well with these...maybe giving it a HDR process would make it stand out even more
May 31st, 2011
@angievega Hi An-G! I love love love the green bokah and the focus in this shot. The only thing I would have changed was to get the dark tree trunk out of the shot.
May 31st, 2011
@4stories Great suggestion! I never gave that a thought. It was late when I posted my photo and I think my brain was fried (as was my skin - major sunburn).
May 31st, 2011
@positronicmommy Yep that would have been good to do and something so simple...hahaha...thanks Wendy
May 31st, 2011
@ positronicmommy

I really like the sense of freedom and joy in the photo of going through the sprinkler and catching him in mid motion. I have to say that with the photo may have been better focusing on the simplicity of the moment, and I personally would have liked to have seen it without the vignette and tints that seem to compete with the subject.
May 31st, 2011

i'll be honest - i wouldn't change a thing about this shot - its lovely, only a nit-pick maybe lift a little and look into the flower as another shot idea - but to be honest why mess with it - its great
May 31st, 2011
@kmrtn6 thank you, I actually did not love the glare that is on the top petal which was there without any editing, so it reminded me a bit of overprocessing. Overall I think it worked perfectly for the day though. So thank you very much.
May 31st, 2011

This is a sweet shot. I love the littlest one's. They are so furry and adorable. Great idea for a photo! The only thing I would change would be to expose for the white bird, so that his feathers aren't so blown out. That's a simple fix next time you're shooting :) Aim for the bird (because he's so bright) and expose your scene based on his feather's :) Hope that helps you some!
May 31st, 2011

I love the focus on her face and that her face isn't underexposed. Would have liked to have seen a tighter crop which would eliminate some of the distracting background.
May 31st, 2011
@webfoot I probably would've rotated it just a tad... it seems a little off kilter to me. Other than that, this is a cool shot! I love historical stuff, and what a beautiful blue sky!
May 31st, 2011
@courtneyfries cool thanks for the tip hun x
May 31st, 2011
Why did I start this?! I've just got 31 notifications, thank goodness I turned off the email alerts!
June 1st, 2011

This is a beautiful shot. I originally saw it in the Memorial Day pics thread, and I really admired it there. I love the reflection. If I *HAD TO* critique something, the sky is blown out, but I don't think it takes very much away from the photo.
June 1st, 2011

Anything I could change??
June 1st, 2011

I adore the different colors in this!

I could see it being taken from the other side and looking directly down on the blooms!
June 2nd, 2011
@sichernde I'm having a tough time finding something to critique on this shot. I really love it! The only thing I can think of is maybe if the spider was a little off center? Just to have a little different composition?

I just love the processing!

June 2nd, 2011
@dejongdd thanks for the suggestion! I haven't used that feature before so I'm going to try it out!
June 2nd, 2011
I got skipped! :(
June 2nd, 2011
@carajill Awwww that's because somebody posted their photo when they shouldn't have. I'll have a look for you :)
June 2nd, 2011

This is cool! I really like the idea of it and all the layers you can see. Maybe it would be nice if you shot directly from above so that you don't cut out the edge of the lens. I'm not sure if this would have made it harder to get the reflections though... :)
June 2nd, 2011
@sobefree Thanks for getting me! I did try straight above, but it was all reflection and no inner-workings of the lens... if you get what I mean, lol.
June 2nd, 2011
@carajill Haha yeah. Thought it might not work :)

BTW, whoever posts next, DO NOT do me, go back to @mcdougall. I'm just trying to smooth out a slight mistake :)
June 3rd, 2011
Cute! The only thing that spoils it (very little) for me is the lack of detail in the paw. I guess those who know more about this sort of thing would call it a white balance issue. I'm sorry I can't suggest how to correct that! I love the eyes and the detailed furr.
June 3rd, 2011

i love the bright colors in this shot and i like the perspective, but the angle is bothering me just a lil bit...maybe it could have had more or less of an angle and seemed 'better' to my eye...?...not sure - gosh i suck at this - lol
June 3rd, 2011
Great picture of your mom, showing some intimate details of her life. Come in closer, or crop out the distraction to the right in the photo. Concentrate on her and her squares.

June 4th, 2011

This is adorable and I love the reflection on the floor. The only thing I can think of is the shiny items to the right distract a little from the picture of the dog.

June 5th, 2011

I really love this shot ! I love the feel of it, and it's almost as if you can feel the brick on the wall. I think the only thing that I would do differently is make it just a little brighter so that some of the details arn't so lost.
June 6th, 2011

This is a cute photo and its very hard to take images of children because they just do what they do and you pretty much have to be in the right place, right time.

That said, if it were a perfect world, I would have liked to see the cake on the table closer to the baby's left hand and less foreground... i think the baby feels too far away.

As for recomposing i'm of two minds here :
1. recompose so that there's more window, less fill light on the baby to allow the window light to dominate and give it a softer feel
2. turn the baby around so that the light is on his face and you dont get the darkness in the chair from the reinforced sections.

I've always found it hard to photograph children so all in all, i still like it
June 6th, 2011
fab shot, for me the only thing i would do is change the angle slightly so that the toes weren't cropped off as it seemed to stop short when my eye had been drawn along the body
June 7th, 2011
You are beautiful and I love your eyes and other hightlights in this portriat. I might suggest darkening (or lightening) the background just a bit more to create more contrast and allow your portrait to stand out.
June 8th, 2011

I like the editing you did with this photo and I see from your others that it is consistent throughout the album. I would have liked to see a little more room at the top of the photo and less at the bottom, maybe have that step with your watermark border the bottom of the frame. It feels like they are about to walk out of the frame. Otherwise, great photo.
June 9th, 2011
@shadesofgrey I don't know how to post the picture on here..but heres the link :
I love this shot! If I could change anything (very tiny) its your shadow from your body. like, if you could have changed the angle so your body wouldnt have had that shadow, but thats just my opinion. i love the shot!
June 9th, 2011
@candelabra there is a box on the right side of each photo page that says "share" copy that link and paste it in the comment box ....... thank you for the critique, I tried to position the light so that shadow didn't show but I couldn't get the shadow I wanted with the one light I had do I decided I had to live with it!
June 9th, 2011
@shadesofgrey critique me please...thanks!
June 9th, 2011
I love the humor and uniquiness of this photo and how it jumps out at you. It immediatley made me smile:) Since I am by no means qualified to give anyone advice I have nothing but praise to give to this picture. I also very much enjoyed one of your other pics with the foot on the face....priceless!!!
June 9th, 2011
@keke1rosie First of all, Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked my other photos too. Secondly, you have an opinion and you see what attracts you to a photo, or not so you are qualified to give advice, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if it can be better, say so!
June 9th, 2011
awesome shot! i like the angle at which this was shot, i almost feel in am in the water and look up at the bird. Lighting is good. This photo would have been more striking if the subject(bird) was place a bit of the center of the photo(rule of thirds). Still a great capture.
June 9th, 2011
@harsha Thank you!! I was actually in the water for this one. Also thanks for the advice I am really new at this and everything I can learn is great:)
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