Am I That Bad?

June 14th, 2011
I know that this website sometimes has its glitches (what website doesn't?) but for the last couple weeks my photos have had extremely low views... like between 0 and 4! I would think that it's just a glitch but even the comments are coming less and less. Are my photos really that bad lately? Because I think there are some GREAT ones!

BTW, all my photos are taken just for fun and done with a point-and-shoot but I do appreciate your critiques so I can become a better photographer.
June 14th, 2011
You do have some great ones! And, I don't know if its a glitch, but I think a lot of us just click on what catches our eyes...I know I'm guilty of it, there are just so many awesome photos to look at on here. Also you might consider what time of day you are posting, sometimes I post and it goes straight to the bottom of the page! Anyway, your photos look great to me, keep up the good work! @annaruth
June 14th, 2011
@tx_mendoza thank you... I was thinking it might be time of day because I noticed the later I post (usually close to midnight) the less likely my photo will get noticed.
June 14th, 2011
@annaruth - Yeah, I've noticed that too...seems like mine get more views if I post around lunch time.
June 14th, 2011
You have to pay attention to where a lot of your followers are. My comments come n waves. Locally it's almost 2am, so if I post now, I get comments from people in Australia, possibly the UK area. If I post during the day, I get more people here in the states. Also, it's summer time, so everybody is really busy with summer stuff. I bet it will pick back up again eventually.
June 14th, 2011
I've noticed it too!
June 14th, 2011
I agree with the comments above...time of year, time of posting, that def makes a difference, although if you are other people's lists they should catch up with you sooner or later. I'm into my 2nd year here and I only use a point and shoot.......don't worry about that, we can also produce some good pictures!! Do you comment a lot on other people's pictures, pick up new people from the pop page or join in any of the threads? That raises your profile and people will come and look. Don't get down hearted, as they say, this project is for you, not everyone else! Enjoy!
June 14th, 2011
Same with mine. Not that I ever had many views but it does seem that they are getting less and less. I do occasionally ask myself if its worth sharing them. But I do enjoy it very much, and keep posting.
June 14th, 2011
Hi Anna!
It has nothing to do with good or bad I believe. Keep shooting just for fun and make YOUR album worth while. Go please yourself, that's what this is all about! Views and reactions are nice but that is not why you joined 365 I hope! If you do care about views and responses than you should follow more people yourself. Probably more people will follow you back with more views as a result. Also writing responses will help getting attention to your pictures.
June 14th, 2011
I agree with @mastermek! Also...sometimes I'll have an image that will have many comments on it, but the view count is lower than the number of comments. So, yeah, something gets off occasionally. Have FUN with your project!
June 14th, 2011
If the comment is made from the home page, you don't get a "view" point. :-) @meredithwb
June 14th, 2011
@5unflow3r Really? I had no idea. :) Thanks!
June 14th, 2011
I think a lot of people don't open up the photos and comment only on the thumbnails--which is a shame because the details are lost, not to mention the words written in the post (which are equally as important in most cases, even though this is a "photo" site). If I don't have time to open the photo and read the post, then I figure that I just don't have the time to be commenting on it, period.
June 14th, 2011
I have noticed, Anna, that comments and views have been fewer lately. It may be the time of year(?) I don't think it's your photos at all! (:
June 14th, 2011
@5unflow3r Is that right? Well after all this time I never knew that!
June 14th, 2011
I hope it is just the time of the year, I have picked up more followers recently, have over 60, but just a handful ever comment. One of my followers is away for 3 months, a few others have not posted in months, so they may have dropped out. There have been several threads / blogs about this recently, therefore, it
must be happening to a lot of people. I think folks are just plain busy.
June 14th, 2011
after an adjustment in May when it became Spring with a majority of my followers it has balanced out, it just takes a bit more time to get up to my average view.

I will say that you may want to follow more people who will follow you in return. I find that if you make the effort on here by commenting on peoples photos and following them they will return the favor. Also how many of your followers are still active. I do not think it is the people, but in how you choose to spend your time on here. Follow, comment and participate in threads more and you get rewarded.
June 14th, 2011
@grannysue @brumbe thank you!
June 14th, 2011
Hi Anna- I'm fairly new to this site but never really paid attention to how many comments or views I was getting. I just started taking pictures and picking up people to follow by visiting the different browsing sites. I find the more people I follow, the more comments/views I'm getting. The downside of that is that it takes quite a bit of time to look at everyone's pictures and give feedback. So sometimes I have to pace it throughout the day. It's all worth it. I definitely notice that the time of day depends on who will see the pictures first, but again, I'm taking pictures for the fun of it and the bonus has been meeting all these people from around the world. Well, now that I've said all that and know that you are looking for feedback, I will go check out your pictures and give you a follow. You will find that I am a faithful viewer and follower once you've made my list. Keep shooting for the joy of it; everything else will follow.
June 14th, 2011
@olivetreeann thank you! I originally started just for the fun of it... I guess I have just let it get to me.
June 14th, 2011
My views and comments, etc are way way down - not only on my own photos but referring to myself and my participation here lately, too. I think it is just time and weather. I wish there were more hours in the day but there just aren't. =(
June 14th, 2011
@autumnseden agreed. I can see that I may have commented less myself. But I really do try!
June 15th, 2011
I think it's the time of year! I have less time for browsing and commenting at the moment too as I want to make the most of the spring weather whenever I am off work. I'm not going to be sitting behind my computer for hours when there's lovely weather outside! Many people must feel the same way. I am sure things will get better in fall.
June 15th, 2011
@halkia thanks!
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