Lets see Peoples favorite B/W's that they have taken this year so far.

August 25th, 2011
Hey everyone! I want to see and have people critique other peoples Black and whites that they have taken so post ONE or TWO (Just to save space on the thread) of your fav's if you wanna improve your skills or just wanna show off! :-)

here are a couple of mine.

August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
I have a ton but will only post a few here. You can always look at my album to see the others.

August 25th, 2011
@mariboo Love the comp of the first one, but the only thing i would change is the lighting on the little girl and the box. make most of the light on her face and not the box just to make her the main focus point and not the side of the box.
August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
Oops. Sorry. :) Just noticed that it said this year so far. I don't think I have taken any this year.
August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
its extremely hard to choose.. I love all of my B&W photos! But here are a few!

August 25th, 2011
@cvanheel oh sorry I posted three.. just saw where you said just one or two..
August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
Here are a couple... I used the matte on the second one to hide a few things I could not crop out without taking too much of the photo out.

August 25th, 2011
@laurendoubleu It's ok :-)
I love how you left a couple things still in color
August 25th, 2011
Here are a few of mine:

August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
August 25th, 2011
August 25th, 2011

I'd just like some help.
August 25th, 2011
August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
This is my only one! Must try more B&W again soon.

August 25th, 2011
August 25th, 2011

this is my one and only, it was my first attempt. is sepia considered black and white?
August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
I've only done three, so here they are:

August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
August 25th, 2011
B&W are probably my favorite photos to take. IDK why, but I just like them a lot! Here are a few of mine... MANY more on my page.

August 25th, 2011
The boy just lost his balloon:
August 25th, 2011

(this was the first black and white photo I took for the 365project)
August 25th, 2011
August 25th, 2011

August 25th, 2011
I didn't think selective colour would count for this (technically, it's not entirely black and white!) so I didn't use any. But I notice most other people are ignoring that, so I will too -

August 25th, 2011
these would be my favorites so far! sorry! hahahhaa i have lots

and all of them are portraits hahahah =))
August 26th, 2011

August 26th, 2011
@cvanheel thank you so much!!
August 27th, 2011
August 27th, 2011
August 27th, 2011
One of my early 365 ones; made it for the july movie challenge and is based on "Interview with the Vampire

And one of the last few days Title: How fragile we are"

August 27th, 2011
August 27th, 2011
August 27th, 2011
August 27th, 2011

August 28th, 2011
August 29th, 2011

August 30th, 2011
by Pam

August 30th, 2011

August 31st, 2011
September 5th, 2011
September 5th, 2011
Mine are quite recent;

What do you think?
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