Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

August 27th, 2011

The smoke stack from the steam building is sticking up on the left. I don't mind the picture except for that. How do I edit the picture to get rid of the stack? Should I chop out the cars at the bottom, too? I took this after work. This is looking to the west from the employee parking garage at night. If I get there at the right time, the sky is pretty and I can get a good shot or two.

Thank you,
August 27th, 2011
What editing programs do you have? Picnik has a cloning tool, if you don't have Photoshop or something like that, which is what I would use to get rid of everything you want gone. You'll find it under the "advanced" section.
August 27th, 2011
....and I'd keep the cars. :)
August 27th, 2011
I don't mind the smoke stack.... but you could use a clone tool to get rid of it. (but be "gentle" with the cloning)
August 27th, 2011
@kchuk hmm.. thats a tough one. If you can't find any other way, I guess you would just have to crop the picture so it is smaller, and that is out of the picture.
August 27th, 2011
I'd use "paint" and a little gentle bit of editing to remove the stack but I'd also keep the cars.
August 27th, 2011
I'd keep it, and the cars too.
August 28th, 2011
the smoke doesn't disturb me at all... =) i'd keep it... makes the photo realistic, i guess.. and yes i'd keep the cars too! hihihih
August 28th, 2011
I'd contact the owner of the smoke stack and insist that they have it removed...but that's just me! I agree that selecting the area you want gone, and then cloning a similarly colored and textured area over it is a pretty safe bet. Good luck!
August 28th, 2011
@coastandcactus - I like the cut of your jib Cissy!

But I like the smoke stack in the shot. I would keep it. The ugly building on the right however!!! Crop that one out!
August 28th, 2011
Clone stamp and then healing brush, but I like it there personally.
August 28th, 2011
The cars are where you eyes first go to - the corner of the car park is acting as the point of an arrow, pulling the eye in from either left or right through the leading lines of the fences and it's lit up in the darkness. Then the eyes are drawn to the car nearby that stands out - the silver one as it's quite a different colour than the others. Only after that, do the eyes look at the horizon. So it depends on what you want people to look at.

If it were my photo, I'd crop out the car park (rest your hand over it, to me it looks far better without it) AND MAYBE the building on the right. I'd definitely go for the cloning out of the stack, taking the pixels very close to it and I'd also have a go at reducing the glare from the car park floodlights - if you crop them out I think it would be too far.

BUT this is just my opinion - as you can see from the comments, it's all very subjective!
August 28th, 2011

I took the smoke stack out fo you my friend :-D what do you think?
August 28th, 2011
I don't think the smoke stack needs to be removed It is a natural part of the landscape
August 29th, 2011
@cvanheel I think that looks sooo much better! Thank you!
September 29th, 2011
Just crop so there is less sky the stack looks great!
October 1st, 2011
I agree with @foolmoon, take out the carpark; if you want people to focus on the sky that is. On the other hand, I personally like the smokestack, but if you truly don't like it, as everyone else has already said, use the cloning and then healing tool. If you don't have photoshop, download a program called GIMP, it's very similar to photoshop, and it's freeware, so it's usually my go-to program. Though lately I've been using photoshop more because I've been shooting in RAW, and photoshop seems to deal with that more easily than GIMP. If GIMP ever catches up in that regard though, it's straight back to GIMP for me!
October 3rd, 2011
If you're into the idea of processing your pictures on a regular basis then buy Photoshop for no more than $100, I bet you can get it online for half that price. Picnik and Pixlr-o-matic and gimp are free online but you mightn't be able to do as much. Apart from that Oleneo, hugin and others are all free. Whatever you do don't let some smug photo store guy sell you anything like CS5 for the same price as a house in Barbados. This picture doesn't need processing I reckon, the sky hasn't that much visually to offer apart from nice hues, the parking garage and chimney make the picture for me.
October 3rd, 2011
@ajimages actually on second thoughts I agree with Alan
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