Has there been any improvement?

October 27th, 2011
I am nearing the end of the 10th month of my project and have noticed a drastic decline in views and comments over the last several months. I am just wondering if the reason for the decline is due to a decline in the quality of my work. I would really appreciate some feedback on this. Is everyone experiencing this? Or has there been no real improvement in my photographs over the last 10 months?
October 27th, 2011
Amber, I noticed a big improvement even from September to October in your shots! I wasn't following you before, but I am now. I have had a drastic decline in views and comments too. It sometimes discourages me, but I keep telling myself that I am doing this for myself. I have been so busy lately that I have not been keeping up with commenting on the shots of others. Perhaps our followers are very busy people too. I noticed tonight that a lot of my followers have not uploaded shots for a while. I think a lot of people have dropped out of the project.
October 27th, 2011
@gardengal @daisy everyone has experienced this trend however much of us believe as winter sets in and there is less daylight hours people will be cozying up to 365 much more :)
October 27th, 2011
Amber, it could be several reasons, but I know for me I have gotten so busy that I have had to switch from commenting on all that follow me to going and spending time looking at the work of the people who comment on my photos. Fall is a busy work and social time for me so I for me I am struggling to keep up with those that stop by to look at my photos.

Also you had other issues and were posting less regularly and maybe some of your followers may not realize you are back up to regular posting.
October 27th, 2011
Amber, your photos are beautiful and there is no decline in quality; rather the reverse. There are far fewer comments now than there used to be on mine as well but I put that down to my inability to comment as much because of ongoing family issues that I'm dealing with. But maybe there are other reasons as several people have suggested above. I do think that when we haven't got the time to comment on others then our viewers naturally decrease.
October 27th, 2011
I've noticed the same recently. Maybe it's something to do with everybody going to back to work/school and finding themselves really busy all of a sudden? I'm sure its nothing to do with the quality of your photos -you can only get better as time goes on! x
October 27th, 2011
It is not about the view, but the people having time to view it. It happens to us all many times throughout the year. Keep learning and doing what you do best and you will continue to grow. :-)
October 27th, 2011
Hi Amber. I started the project about a month after you. I had also been thinking the same thing lately, I had far more comments earlier on. I was wondering that maybe people want to give encouragement to newcomers, and this eases off with time? You photos have been consistently good. However I have to admit that as I follow more people, I dont comment on each and every person as often as I did when I was following fewer, there just wouldn't be the time!
October 28th, 2011
Amber, I wanted to post to this last evening but couldn't due to the commenting problem we were having. Anyway, I have enjoyed your work. The decline in views and comments fluctuate, not just for you, but for everyone. So much depends on peoples schedule and the time they have. I would not allow that to affect your continuing in this project as yo have been. The project is so neat, and to be a part of it, and to be able to see all the various styles is such a great learning experience in itself.
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