A lack of comments...

December 30th, 2011
I seem to not have anyone commenting on my photos now. Is it just because people are too busy (given the time of year) or is there something with my photos that people just don't like anymore?

I like to have criticism, so not having comments is slightly worrying.....
December 30th, 2011
Have you been commenting on as many photos as you usually do? I imagine lots of peeps are just too busy this time of year. I have noticed quite a few people I follow haven't even had time to post photos. I have been managing just about to post daily photos and do some commenting but haven't been spending as much time on the site as I usually do.....can I take the opportunity to give a big thank you to the kind folks who have commented on my shots recently. Muchly appreciated :oD
December 30th, 2011
Hi Natalie, I looked at your site and you post quite a variety of photos. Dont forget its about you posting things in your life that you like, or that are part of your life. Moira is right, its busy right now. Also dont forget about entering the themes and competitions, if you dont already do this. Your photos then also reach a wider audience. Keep going - you are doing great.
December 30th, 2011
@moirab @jennywren Thanks guys I will try your advice and see what happens!
December 30th, 2011
The most significant factor in receiving comments is making comments on other people's pics. Since time is limited, consider that it's more important to comment on their pic than it is to thank them for commenting on yours ... they already know you appreciate their comments or they wouldn't have made them in the first place.
December 30th, 2011
Also, follow more people and you will get more followers. I have 72 followers but only about 10 comment on a regular basis. The others are taking a break, or quit, or lost interest in my stuff, which happens a lot. You are doing great! Don't let what happens on here get you down.
December 30th, 2011
@sunnygreenwood - well said Anne.
@natalar - hang in there!
December 30th, 2011
Just keep enjoying your project! You have many views so people are looking at your photos a lot! I think you should go browsing others photos and pick some more people to follow. If you comment on their photos they will comment on yours. If you aren't already doing this, a fun thing to do is go to the different themes and challenges and post as many photos of yours that fit the category. That's lots of fun! Have fun!!
December 31st, 2011
I've been running short on time for about six months now, so have barely commented on anything. :( I aim to change that in the New Year, however!
December 31st, 2011
Time of year--plus, I think a lot of people are winding down their Projects if they started at the beginning of 2011. Expect an influx of new photographers to start up in January, though!
December 31st, 2011
@natalar Welcome to the club.

I found it so unencouraging that I pretty much quit uploading for 3 months. *shrug* pretty much doing it to just finish off my year now.
December 31st, 2011
First and foremost always post for the enjoyment you get in taking the photo and improving your skills. Secondly- it's true the more you comment on others, the more likely they'll comment on yours. Heading into my second year I know I'm going to become far more discerning about this. I have lots of people I comment on, but not all are commenting back, so I'll be more picky about taking time to say something about their work (and not just the "great shot!" type of comment). Don't be discouraged though. It is a busy time of year for many and your comments may increase again once the holidays are through.
December 31st, 2011
Natalie, I will echo what one of my most ardent commenters, Anne @sunnygreenwood, has said. I've learned this from her in at least one other thread if not more, and it serves as a constant reminder to me to take the time to not only look at others' photos but to comment. I know this works! Having said this, I confess that I've been very lax lately in posting comments, but still a few of my followers, I see, have been faithful in commenting on my photos. Now I have to go and catch up! Oh, and, yes, remember this is a busy time of the year, as many have said.
December 31st, 2011
@natalar Hi Natalie. I think you take some very nice shots I just browsed through your December photos. I have decided to start following your work. Look forward to seeing what you come up with in the new year.Feel free to take a look at my photos. I hope that some of them might inspire you.
December 31st, 2011
@natalar Hi Natalie. I was also thinking that you might try following a few more people. I found that when I started this project that as I followed more people and started commenting on their photos they in turn would follow me and comment on mine. Just something to think about
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