Woo Hooo! Thank you Canon!

January 11th, 2012
Yea verily, I have long beseeched the Gods of Camera production for a self contained pocket camera with a decent sized sensor. In my angst and despair I nearly fell prey to the seductive evil of mirror-less interchangeable lens systems.
But lo! the clouds have parted and Canon has announced the Powershot G1 X!

January 11th, 2012
:D You're too cute! So when is it going to be all yours?
January 11th, 2012
@lilbudhha Yea, thou has seen the light and been delivered from evil! Pray for me that i do not covet said camera, as I cannot afford another at this time.....but i lust after this beautiful camera with viewfinder....
January 11th, 2012
looks good ~ will be interested to hear how you (and other people) like it ~
January 11th, 2012
January 11th, 2012
here is the review by Gordon Laing of Camera Labs
January 11th, 2012
Verily I say unto you that my bank manager would not be amused if I were to succumb to this temptation - neither would my partner!
January 11th, 2012
@hellcat (sigh) I do not need this camera. So, as to when, it depends upon how long it takes me to convince myself otherwise. Besides, they are only available as pre-order, so the temptation is slightly less. When they ship, look out.
January 11th, 2012
one of the links someone put up earlier was saying how mirrorless was the way to go - which I found interesting
January 11th, 2012
Mirror less systems are nice. Very nice, but I prefer the idea of the G1x for several reasons.
Portability is the main one. Any mirrorless to match the lens range would require carrying two lenses. Start having to carry too much and might as well have my DSLR along.
External controls. The mirrorless are primarily menu driven, external knobs and buttons are faster.
I already have a lens monster in my DSLR. Quite a bit of dosh tied up in lenses.
Don't mistake me, would love to have a mirrorless as well. But the G1x just put that further down the road.
January 12th, 2012
lol!!! Need is a relative term isn't it?
January 15th, 2012
ok.. a total newbie here ... I am using a point and shoot which takes a fairly nice pic.. I would like to upgrade to a Canon EOS Rebel... should I consider going this route?
January 15th, 2012
Short reply, if I were in your position, I would purchase the Rebel.
Longer reply, depends. The Rebel has a larger sensor, which means better tonal range. (More shades of grey, more detail in the darks, fewer blown out highlights.) If you decide to print, the larger sensor also means larger prints with less noise.
I am looking at the G1x because it is nearly as small as my current point and shoot but has a larger sensor. And I already have a DSLR.
DSLR(like the Rebel) Pros
Larger sensor
Better Prints
More tonal range
Shoot in lower light without flash
Interchangeable lenses
Faster response time
DSLR(like the Rebel) Cons
Less portable and more conspicuous
Interchangeable lenses Which add cost and bulk
G1x Pros
Portability Fits in your pocket. Barely, but still fits.
Cost. Pay once and done. Mostly, there are accessories...
G1x Cons
No interchangeable lenses
Smaller sensor
Less flexibility.

I hope this helps. if you wish more specific information, feel free to ask.
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