In a rut

January 31st, 2012
Ok so sometime in November I had dedicated myself to start this with a friend of mine. I happen to be a photographer for PictureMe Portrait Studios and November was NOT the best time to try to start this. I found that because of our busy impending Christmas season I didn't have time. I wasn't getting home until 9 or 10 at night and then had 2 beautiful little boys at home to visit with before I went to sleep. Now that Christmas season is over (thank you Lord!) I want to pick up and actually do this. However, I am having the hardest time in the world finding the motivation to put my photos up. I look at everyone's stuff and I'm so intimidated I can't bring myself to hit the upload button, or even the shutter button on my camera! I can't even compare and it scares me because this is all I have ever wanted to do!! Somebody with some kind of way to get me out of this fear please help me!! It might help if I had something loaded beside my profile picture I know, but as I said I am insanely terrified.
January 31st, 2012
Look at my "stuff" you will not be intimidated any more!!!!! Pictures are personal, be you, please yourself, and to heck with what other people think.
January 31st, 2012
Don't be scared. We all have days when we think what we are posting isn't 'up to scratch' but the community is so friendly and kind, they won't say "rubbish". Be brave, stand tall and post your photos, you might well be surprised by the response. Smile :)
January 31st, 2012
This is not a competition. I love taking photos and everytime I upload one, I see what I would have liked to have done differently, but since I'm in it to learn to get better, that kind of works. Do it for yourself. Follow people you can learn from and others who are just here to learn or have fun!
January 31st, 2012
Don't be intimidated, most of the 365's users are amators and never forget you're doing this project for YOU. Believe me if when you take pictures every days you'll improve and after months looking back at your first pics you'll see how you became a better photographer. Jump in 365 it's a great and supportive community!
January 31st, 2012
I feel the same way sometimes. Sometimes I just throw something in front of the camera just so I've done it, but other days it's great - I can experiment, try new things, new styles, new techniques and some of the other guys on here are a great place to get the inspiration to do it
January 31st, 2012
Do not worry what we think. Remember some of us have been doing this for over a year and if you go back to our first photos you will be shocked by how bad some of it was. The best thing to do is to get started and if you like a photo, try and imitate or recreate the look, you will quickly see how far you will move in no time.

Here is an epic fail shot from last week. Even though I may try sometimes, I have these awesome epic fails that crack me up and I share them with others so they realize that the fun is in trying
January 31st, 2012
That's me lately, one month in and I feel so uninspired and forget about if I'm busy and it's 10:00 and I just remember to take a picture. That's when you get the bogus, bead picture or toy picture. Be creative, and just let go.....
January 31st, 2012
@mackin13 I totally agree with Sheila - this isn't a competition. It is important to turn your intimidation into inspiration. Look around at other people's photos and be inspired to try something new. I remember seeing an amazing moon photo and I tried that myself in the first week. Then I saw incredible macro water droplet shots and I tried that. Go for it!
January 31st, 2012
Go back and look at the early photos of some of the people you think are may find their early shots are not as good as the ones they post now...(feel free to check out my first few months - there are some really random shots there and some shameful fails!!) We are all our own worst critics too - I'm positive your shots won't be bad, and even if they aren't the best then this community are here to help you improve...
January 31st, 2012
Well, I have always wanted to quit my day job and work for an org like that, since I cannot deal with Corp-O-Rat America anymore, and am ready for a second career.

Since I work in Finance, I would manage Millions and Millions of investors money. When I got home, I didn't even want to balance my checkbook. I quit Art School years ago when creativity became work, as I lost my creative desire.

So, I can you work in Photography all day, and actually want to come home and do it more? (I ask seriously, as I am curious)
January 31st, 2012
@mackin13 ~ Rachel... please do not be scared... many of my shots make me cringe and one or two I am really pleased with... but no matter... this is my project, my rules and nothing else should matter. I am using this project for my own personal needs... to learn (which I have already) and to enjoy photography which I really, really do....I am a complete novice.... and this is a great place to gain experience, a lovely, lovely community to share with... and no one puts you down... I have only ever found friendship and encouragement on 365....
So please just join in and have fun....... ♥♥♥
January 31st, 2012
Do this for you! Make a diary, 365 moments, 365 images, 365 times of happiness. Most of us started out just snapping, have come a long way and are still intimidated by the pros on here. We all have a special place in 365. Don't deny yourself this opportunity to grow and learn. Make it yours.

I just made my kids a book of things that I shared on 365 last year about them. This place gave me a place where I would jot some words down, or share some moments that I don't want to forget. I am so glad I did that for them, and that is way I continue to document. For my kids, family and me.

Take care!
January 31st, 2012
You will never succeed unless you first try. My words. ;-)

The only way to improve is to take pictures every day. Every day! As you find your routine it will get easier. Start with the small things first. An exercise; sit or stand in one place, take pictures of anything that catches your eye up close as well as far away, without leaving your space. You can turn in a circle only. This will help you develop your eye quickly. Once you get more comfortable doing this, taking a picture quickly when you are rushed, will be so much easier.
January 31st, 2012
I like to see pictures from others and get inspired.. Yes, I also work a lot (9AM to 7PM or more).. but some times I bring camera to work or just go home and take a couple of picture (it helps me to relax) and I dont download pictures everyday but I try. I also use this to learn .. so for the longest time I have seen this picture of water drops .. and I start trying (with some help of the 365ers) and this week I finally got a couple.. and that made me SO happy that it is worth it ...
here my "first attempt"

Here my last picture (I got two out of hundred)

January 31st, 2012
Well, fear is the enemy to creativity--so tell THAT to take a hike!!
Everyone brings different things to the table on 365, Rachel, you can't really compare (kind of like apples to oranges...or macro to landscapes...or abstracts to the concrete). Take a photo every day and just post what YOU like the best. Seriously, I think this website is not only about the "pretty pictures," but sharing a love of photography and building that on-line support system. And the support system will be there through good and bad photos (trust me, I've been posting some dead-boring photos this past month and the comments are still there. I love 365.)
And quite honestly, I follow and comment because I find the person interesting--the photos are just an added bonus.
January 31st, 2012
The 365 project that you will create is all about you, it is not about other people. And in this community there is nothing to be intimidated about because they are mostly very helpful and will cheer you on and give you tips if you need help so go ahead and just do it. Most importantly enjoy what you are doing. :)
January 31st, 2012

This was my first shot....
Not that I'm amazing now. But you grow, and the growing is full of cringing and self doubt now, and later we realise, the growing was the most important part.
January 31st, 2012
The project is about you and what you want to portray, i forgot this yesterday as i had posted a couple of pictures that i was really happy with over the last couple of weeks and they didn't get many views and i was real down about it, but then i went outside and played with my kids and remembered i was doing this project for me to document my year and the kids growing up, its not about how many people look at my pictures, its about me :)
People are lovely and comment when they find you, as you have seen on the photo you posted yesterday, it is lovely!
February 1st, 2012
Just upload one teeny weeny photo today... just one. Repeat tomorrow.
February 1st, 2012
I believe in all honesty your work is your work...that's why its unique. I find it hard to look at the popular section, for the same reason. I don't compare to those photos. But you gotta think a lot of people are using tools that you and I don't have, or that you and I don't know how to use to spike their photos. Keep your head up! Get back to posting! You learn something new every day when you've got your camera in hand. You'll only learn by doing it, not by staring at someone else's picture comparing yourself!!!
February 1st, 2012
As my project is coming toward the end I'm still learning a few things:
a.) If I compare myself to other's I will be disapointed all the time
b.) I don't do my best work every day (or even once a week).
c.) I need to be okay with learning from my misses

I hope you learn these things sooner in your project than I am :)
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