365/Photography as therapy

February 5th, 2012
I started this project just before my 40th birthday ..... and just before my husband and best friend of 18 years was killed in a car accident.

I didn't come back to it for a while afterwards, but once I did, I have found it to be great therapy.

I am forced into a version of "mindful thinking" where I just use my eyes to see my surroundings....
...at first, it was incredibly hard, but today someone (hi @curiousmomworm) left a comment saying how "happy and vibrant" my project was.

...and that made me reflect on the past year and a bit of my journey through grief and through this project and I can say that 365 has been wonderful grief therapy.

I am still rocked by grief daily and that will never go away, but I am thankful that 365 has helped me to find the colour and joy surrounding me.

Thanks 365ers and I hope that other people can find it as useful as I have.... .
February 5th, 2012
=) *hugs* I definitely have seen this project help in my own life. I'm sorry for your loss, but thankful you've found an outlet that brightens your day.
February 5th, 2012
@lolanae thanks Brandie. It really does help :)
February 5th, 2012
Your story brought tears to my eyes.

I can't imagine the grief you have to over come. Am glad the photography is helping you to see the world in a better way.

What a great tribute to this group.
February 5th, 2012
@swguevin thanks Sheila. I mean every word.
February 5th, 2012
@corymbia It is wonderful you have been able to share. I know that over the last few months it has helped me enormously
February 5th, 2012
@peterdegraaff I think it helps a lot of us in providing a diversion to our troubles.
February 5th, 2012
Thank you for sharing your story. While I haven't gone through anything nearly as terrible, my 365's have helped me through a painful divorce and into the most fulfilling relationship I could ever ask for. I really do feel like these projects are a therapy of sorts, too :)
February 5th, 2012
@snippets so good to hear how its helped you.
In other news, there are so many teachers on here too :) Truth be told, it's also a diversion from double checking this week's lesson plans!
February 5th, 2012
Good to know! I teach 6th grade, and most of the time, photography is much more fun than lesson planning!
February 5th, 2012
Creativity is often the key to happiness. I too have happened upon this project due to some painful things in my life. I am hoping it helps me find myself again.
February 5th, 2012
@heatherwilsonaz I hope it helps you too.
February 5th, 2012
Dear Amanda. Photography/art are definitely therapy, an aid to mindfulness and a safe space to escape from trauma and grief. Your post brought back memories of losses and how my art kept me sane.

Sending lots of vibes, and glad you can see the colour and joy again. And keep showing us what you see :-)

Hugggg JK
February 5th, 2012
@jannykoster Thanks Janny. Will do.
February 5th, 2012
Wow Amanda! I'm so glad it is helping you! I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through! Thanks for sharing
February 5th, 2012
@corymbia I started my project after my Mum passed away very suddenly, it ha been my therapy too, I would talk about it alot with my grief counsellor who thought it was a wonderful idea. She asked me to keep a diary but I just couldn't physically write down the words. Taking photos and typing them was a little easier. It helped me understand the fragile nature of this beautiful world, how not to take things for granted and how important friendship is, virtual or physical.

I can't imagine how difficult it was for you to start this thread, once it's all there in b&w you can't take it back, but, it's a huge step and one you are to be proud you made. I know your honesty will help many through their own struggles, I am thinking of a particular friend of mine who started her project and a few days later her world has come crashing down around her. I will show her this thread and encourage her to continue her journey. Thank you Amanda. Your strength is inspiring.
February 5th, 2012
Amanda, you are a wonderful woman. I've seen through your photos that you have gorgeous happy and healthy children. I've shared your joy at their silliness. If this project is a release for you then I am overjoyed.
February 5th, 2012
@swilde thanks Sue. I always look forward to your photos and I love your comments.
February 5th, 2012
@ashpanelli thanks
February 5th, 2012
@corymbia It must have been so hard. The strength of your spirit is evident in your photography. In December, 3 weeks after I started my project, my mother passed away. It was not unexpected because she had been ill, but it was still hard. I think of her everyday. I'm glad I have this project to focus my thoughts and energy on.
February 5th, 2012
@myautofocuslife glad its helping you too Livia
February 5th, 2012
My heart skipped when I read about your husband passing. I am so sorry. You really do take the most beautiful photos, and I love that you are using this as some kind of therapy. I find that photography itself is a very "zen" kind of thing. And this community is just a great place most of the time. I'll pray for you each day.
February 5th, 2012
I am so very sorry for your loss. Grief is a hard burden to carry. I am glad to hear this site and your photography helps and gives you comfort. I lost both my parents a while ago, but not a minute goes by when I do think about them, and know they are guiding me. I think a 365 project is so important - it makes us stop and look at what around us, and makes us see the beauty so we so often miss in our busy lives.

I love your frogs ! I wish I had frogs of that colour in my garden.
February 5th, 2012
It was so sad to read about your loss, but it is such a good thing to have your photography to focus on. I came to 365 in September after I had a breakdown from stress at home and at work. I'd started self harming again and started having therapy. It was through a lot of things I hadn't put to rest in my childhood that I'd lost control again but through the therapy, my photos and the understanding of the community here I was calm to let everything go. On 13th January I burnt letters I'd written to my Dad telling him exactly how I felt, photos and memories. It was my 365 photo and a memory forever to stay strong. So many people on here can relate to you, creativity is the best outlet of sadness or pain. I hope you stay strong and continue to look forward.
February 5th, 2012
What a heartbreaking story! I am sorry to hear of your loss but inspired by your strength. I, too, find photography therapeutic, it's great to find something few people have seen before and share (for me, the women's side of Mosques for one). I am happy I found your page, your photos are awesome!
February 5th, 2012
@lacedxxoo thanks hon - you are very kind.
@sharonaddison thanks - sorry to hear about your parents. We lost Greg's father 3 years previously and his mother died exactly one year before he did. My children have seen far too many burials....
@emmaroobers hope you gain strength through creativity.
February 5th, 2012
@scrappy thank you ... off to check out women's side of mosques!
February 5th, 2012
i understand where you are coming from, i started 365 for the first time after my bub was born and i suffered PND. it gave me something positive to focus on. I hope you are healing.
February 5th, 2012
@corymbia You are so right. 365 is indeed a therapy for some of us.I started this project in July when I was in vacantion at my cousins in Italy.My father passed away in March.Before everything started to happen with my father and his disease,I used to write a diary,but then I stopped.I couldn't do it anymore because I wouldn't stop crying when I had the pen in my hand.ut I started to express what I feel with through photos,and then I became a little more courageous and started writing some feelings as a description.I received such nice comments and words that made me feel so,but so much better.And guess what.I actually started to write again my diary.So this was a real therapy for me.Thanks 356!:) and Amanda,Hope you're ok.We are brave,we can deal with everything.
February 5th, 2012
@sarahricho PND is hard. hugs
@michellina I think I had to write out the pain at first. The photography came after that time.
February 5th, 2012
365 has helped me through depression, anxiety and an eating disorder, I'm not completely recovered yet but I honestly believe that it has been a major part of my recovery. I'm so sorry for your loss.x
February 5th, 2012
So sorry for our loss. I'd like to add along with photography and art that music is such great therapy also. Certainly has helped many people through troubled times. keep pushing out those fantastic photos. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
February 5th, 2012
Thank you for posting that: what a terrible loss and my thoughts and prayers with you as well. Pictures take us sometimes to places where words cease to be relevant.
February 5th, 2012
Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos and your life, your thoughts and your blog. I am really moved by what I have been reading and so happy that your camera was your early birthday gift from your husband. He lives on in every photo you take and post and in your two beautiful funny happy children. You will never get over this loss but with time it will get easier and what a blessing to have had such a lovely husband and best friend for 18 years, And as to therapy - yes definitely. I took a break after my first year and missed it so much. 365 is fabulous in so many ways. It gets me out of the house on days when it would be so easy to stay in my pjs all day, the community is so positive and safe and supportive, you can share as much or as little of your life as you wish I love it and definitely it helps to keep me sane :oD Big hugs!
February 5th, 2012
And I love all my virtual friendships :oD
February 5th, 2012
Wow how powerful your statements are. I agree that it's an amazing place and amazing people! I have learned so much from everyone here and it's been a beautiful year because of them. *hugs* and I hope it continues to be just what you need!! I can't know how you're feeling but so glad to hear you found something that does help with the grief.
February 5th, 2012
@corymbia I had a lot last year but I closed down that one and opened a new because my yahoo had an evil hacker! I will add more, hopefully this week!
February 5th, 2012
Amanda, it's in the strangest places and even things that sometimes we find great comfort. I'm really glad that this has helped you so much, grief is a really hard thing to be faced with, especially I think when it's sudden and very unexpected.
February 5th, 2012
Sorry for your loss, glad for you finding a creative therapy.
For me, shooting is zen, but posting is rough therapy.
Had a quick look through your project and your work is happy and vibrant. A tribute to your strength!
February 5th, 2012
I was heartbroken and at a total loss when my younger brother (39) died of Kidney cancer, after 3 months of absolute hell. I started this project alone, and thought I would finish it alone, but immediately this wonderful community brought support and a sort of purpose to each day.. even the darkest. I have a long long way to go to find anything 'normal' but I do not feel alone anymore. I am so sorry for your loss, and there are 4/5 other people here I have connected with due to their loss. Grief is awfully painful,and very unpredicatable, thank you for your support, I hope I can support you and other in those low points, and also enjoy those colourful moments too..
February 5th, 2012
So sorry for your loss, but you're right, the project can definitely be a form of therapy. During last year I descended into a severe depression which ended up with me having what would previously have been called a nervous breakdown. The project gave me a reason to keep going, to get out of bed every day. It forced me to do something I enjoyed every single day and my counsellor was so pleased with me for keeping it up and has said he'll recommend it to others who are struggling to find something to get out of bed for every day.
February 5th, 2012
Well.... I've tried several times to respond and I"m not sure if it's the lack of coffee or raging hormones but I just can't do it without bawling my eyes out! lol. Lucky for you, you're no where near me or I'd just have to hug you tight and sob at you about how strong you are, and how despite your struggles, your project overflows with light and love.

Hopefully 365 continues to bring joy and peace to you. =]
February 5th, 2012
@naomi thank you Naomi, and I hope 365 is good therapy for you too.
@sailingmusic thank you :)
@elizabeth so true
@moirab thanks . and it really is a great community here.
@terek55 thanks
@scrappy hackers are evil
@lilbudhha a good way to put it :)
@fungirlslim lets find as much "colour" as we can.
@minxymissk the camera seems to be the gentle option for dealing with the world.
@curiousmomworm big hugs right back. YOur comments really meant something to me yesterday. Thanks again.
February 5th, 2012
@corymbia Ha, yes they are! This one sent some pretty raunchy messages and pictures to everyone on my list, including my father, husband's family and boss! :-O
February 6th, 2012
@scrappy oh dear :(
February 6th, 2012
@corymbia THANKFULLY most people know I don't talk like that so they knew it wasn't me. I wonder with all the trials just normal life brings, why someone would go out and do such a thing. If nothing else, don't they believe in Karma?
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