Looking for a 365er for wedding in Victoria BC

May 12th, 2012
Hey guys,

Not sure if this is the best place to post, but we're looking for a wedding photographer and I've seen so many good photos on this site that I'm wondering if there's a gem in BC.

You don't have to be a pro - it could be a new project or a stretch for your muscles. Anyway, we're having the wedding on June 21st and the reception on the 23rd and I think it would be really cool to have someone post their photo of the day from our day!

Let me know if you're interested and we can go from there.


May 12th, 2012
What a cool idea! Wish I could help, or at least help you find someone, but I don't know anyone near BC unfortunately :(

This is such a great idea though--- maybe there should be a separate sub-forum or something on 365 for people to connect with photography-related jobs/ gigs!

Good luck and congrats on the wedding!
May 12th, 2012
I live in Australia and my knowledge of Canada is limited, but I have a sneaking suspicion that @jupiterjanes may sometimes live in BC. I think. Emphasis on "think".

I know Sarah loves cakes and there's alway a cake at a wedding, so maybe she could be persuaded to take part in this thread...
May 12th, 2012
@johnnypistons If only It were Ontario I could help ya out ;)
May 12th, 2012
I'm not so far away! (Over here in Vancouver:) - but the dates do not work for me unfortunately (that is, if you were to like my work enough to let me have a crack at it:) - good luck with your search and congrats on your wedding!!!
May 16th, 2012
Thanks for all your posts and your warm wishes everyone. The hunt continues...I really wish it could be a 365er as there are so many good shooters! Paula, you'd be very welcome if your dates were in the clear.
September 4th, 2012
Bummer I wish I had seen this earlier - I live in Victoria BC!
September 26th, 2012
I'm with Jackie, I'm also in Victoria, and I do shoot weddings.
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