How does "Your Top Rated Photos" works?

June 7th, 2012
Hi guys:

I bought an ACE account two days ago, and looking at my new statistics I realized that in "Your Top Rated Photos", the order hasn't got any sense!! It's crazy, the 4t, 5th and 8th have more views or comment than the first one... I can't understand why puts the first the other one xD Take a look:

June 7th, 2012
Oh! Strange indeed = / I wish i could help you but i really have no idea. Ask Ross.
June 7th, 2012
I'm not sure but I think it's the combination of views, comments & favs and their ratios, e.g. more comments/favs from less views is 'more interesting' so your #1 has 1 comment per 2.5 views, your #8 has 1 comment per 6.5 views. If it's like Flickr, it may also take into account the rate at which the views etc were accumulated.
June 7th, 2012
I have wondered that too. Never been able to work it out. I suspect HH is close to correct.
June 7th, 2012
@humphreyhippo @godders but in that case the second one must be the first one, with less views has the same comments :S
June 7th, 2012
@petaqui Yes there are definitely additional factors other than the simple ratios themselves. On Flickr, this includes the rate of accumulation, number of groups the picture is in etc.
I've no idea of the magic formula but it's fun trying to figure it out. :)
June 7th, 2012
@humphreyhippo we can try to get the formula xD
June 7th, 2012
It's magic
June 7th, 2012
@johnnyfrs I'm convinced.
June 7th, 2012
@johnnyfrs @cmc1200 yaep, me too xDDDDDDDD
June 7th, 2012
I agree - magic involved with MOST things on the site. . .like right now, on this thread, my profile picture looks to ME like my 6/5/12 shot of the Indigo Bunting bird! And the thumbnails on the "My project" screen are missing this shot, although if I click on the thumbnail for the right day, the Indigo Bunting does appear. . .sometimes things just seem to go screwy. But I agree that I haven't been able to come up with the algorithm that arranges your stats!
June 7th, 2012
Maybe also have to do with the time-span the pics have been viewed and commented on, not just the number... A pic that's been on longer could easy have more views/comments that one taken today or so, but it has taken longer to get the view thus less "top rated".... rambling a bit now, hope the above makes sense, Just something I came up with as that top rated thingy never made sense to me :-P
June 7th, 2012
I think it's to do with how quickly a photo gets viewed/comments/favs....if you get a lot of comments and favs quickly after posting a photo often appears on the PP page, but if your comments / favs take longer to get you will never get on the PP page (which is what is happening to me now, I also don't take macro photos of dragonflies or butterfies, so another reason I don't get on the PP page :) )
June 7th, 2012
@petaqui I have never worked it out either and have concluded that it is monkey magic. I have a shot at #3 from my first couple of months which has fewer views, faves,, etc... makes me wonder if it has a ratio to how many followers you have at the time too ..? I don't know, sometimes it changes up and down during a day... I think it's the monkeys shuffling it about to try and keep us entertained.
I think the same works on the PP too - seems to follow no particular logic. If it were renamed 'the gallery' or 'monkey's choice' it might seem to make more sense --- then again I'm not here for good sense but to have fun so I just go with it :)
June 7th, 2012
People really do worry about the strangest of things
June 7th, 2012
@38mm You have to admit it's curious 'tho :)
June 7th, 2012
@boogie Not really, I think you also have to take into account how many followers you have at the time, how many of the views are from followers / non followers etc., how long after the photo has been posted you got the views / comments.

I'm guessing its the same algorithm for the PP, if it was simply just comments, views and favs it would be easy enough to beat the PP by creating loads of dummy accounts and fav'ing your own photos.
June 7th, 2012
@38mm - dummy accounts eh? (said with a mischievous grin)

My thoughts have already been told by others here, but I think the PP algorithm also includes your activity with others. Coincidence suggests that during my 2011 project, my shots that made the PP were often around the same time that I was very active on the site, commenting on other peeps projects. And at times when internets were limited for me, my PP appearance was limited.

I think the PP algorithm promotes the users who promote the site itself.

I am surprised that non-ace members can get on the PP... just sayin'

much in the same way the "top rated" is a bit bonkers.
June 7th, 2012
@bobfoto Well I'm not for one minute suggesting it happens, and especially not suggesting any "professional" photographer would ever think of doing such a thing under any circumstances what so ever, allegedly and stuff.
June 7th, 2012
All is a trick... a magic trick :P hahahaha

Take a look, something magic happened right now... xDDDD now all changes with your superstitions (visitors/comments....etc). Now, what do you tink? XD That's how appear right now:

June 9th, 2012
I don't think it works! Mine has always showed utter nonsense and sometimes it shows various images have been viewed hundreds of times when if you click on them have only had a few views - I don't think it's magic just broke...
June 9th, 2012
Where is the coder of 365project to explain it? XD
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