Film for an old camera-help!

June 19th, 2012
A friend of mine has recently acquired a Contessa Nettel 'Cocarette'. It seems in reasonable order but can you still get film for these? I know there are quite a lot of old camera experts out there.......any help or advice greatly appreciated. In UK btw.
Thanks a lot Cherrill @Cherrill
June 19th, 2012
A quick google shows it takes 6 x 9 roll film. I have no idea about availability though as I only use 35mm film. Peter or Aaron may be worth asking

@peterdegraaff @grizzlysghost
June 19th, 2012
Hi Cheezel :) She can use regular 120-film which is the most popular medium format film out there. It's still available in most dedicated camera shops, including here -->
June 19th, 2012
@cherill there Is a camera shop In woking In Surrey , I am shaw that If your friend emailed the company I am sure they will send them out to her In the post Iam at work at the moment , I believe the company Is called Harpers If you would like I could conact you later with the correct address phone number and email address Gerry.
June 19th, 2012
@Cherrill Also Cherill there Is Sussex camera shop In Chichester, again Icould find out the detais later , thats If you have no one from 365 has come up with a deff: detail. Gerry.
June 19th, 2012
@38mm @Cherrill Look up the camera for a manual on Butkus or google. Probably uses 120 film. My Zeiss Ikon uses 120 film and takes 6x9 pictures. I generally buy it on eBay. I like to use Kodak Ektar 100 for colour and Ilford for black and white. If you use chromogenic film it can be developed using C41 color filmin most local labs.
June 19th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Speaking of 120 film, I had a roll of Kodax TX 400 and processed it just like another and it was mostly clear and purple. Sad unhappy face right now. And the film did not even have the kodak on the edge so trying to decide if it was faux kodak or I messed up so completely. I have done three roles at home with accomplishment.
June 19th, 2012
@brumbe TMax is quite purple anyway. No edge markings means you probably fixed it before you developed it. It's like a right of passage :)
June 19th, 2012
Hi Cherrill, I just the last two years switched from film to digital, and I used B&H camera in NY for my film they have all different sizes, I'm sure they have it..goggle it may say B&H camera and video.... I bought my digital camera and lenses there. they are great to work with.
June 19th, 2012
@iqscotland I thought of that and actually refixed it also. I have a silly rule that after I use the developer I put it away and then take out the fixer so I do not get confused. But thanks for that suggestion.

@peterdegraaff I may be leaning towards the ilford for the rest of the class.
June 19th, 2012
@Cherrill Evening Cherrell the Address for Harpers Is 56-61 Commercial way Woking Surrey telephone number Is 01483 -756601, and closes at 5:30pm. Gerry.
June 19th, 2012
iv got a few film cameras and i get my film off ebay or amazon
June 19th, 2012
yep it's 120 roll film, it works out expensive because you only get a small number of shots, (9-12-16) depending on the frame size, Jessops develop it for about £12 a roll, but I don't like their developing, but local camera shops can be expensive. I buy fujifilm 120 100 ISO off ebay and get it pretty cheap. There's a big fuji lab in Burnley which you can post stuff too, it does 120 for about £10
June 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth My 120 film costs $9 a roll to develop which is cheaper surprisingly
June 19th, 2012
@brumbe I like a lot of the Ilford 100 ASA films. The Rollei Retro is also very nice.
June 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth I just started developing at home. Printing, well that is still a problem in need of a solution.
June 19th, 2012
develop and scan I say, develop and scan.
June 19th, 2012
@chewyteeth @brumbe only print the good ones
June 19th, 2012
develop, scan from neg, and print digitally then, or is printing digitally frowned upon, its what I did all through uni.
June 20th, 2012
@peterdegraaff @Cherrill another place that I use to buy the film and also processing, and never had a problem also fair price. here is web site
I use the 120 film in my 100+ year old Brownie Box Camera here is a shot I took with the camera last year I think maybe two years ago, time flys
June 20th, 2012
@chewyteeth Agree. Develop, scan and print the ones digitally you like. @rrt Fabulous photo @brumbe I try to save paper, but really our electrical environmental footprint keeps growing
June 20th, 2012
@peterdegraaff @rrt @chewyteeth @brumbe @shenay @gerry @glb484 @brizmako @38mm
Thank you all for your advice and knowledge. We have now identified tthe film and orderd some Kodak Ektar as advised by Peter. Now we wait and no doubt I will pester you again when it arrives! What a great commuity and glad this provoked so discussion :-) made me smile how some of you presumed my friend was female lol It is in fact a lad young enough to be my son! lol
June 20th, 2012
@Cherrill hahahahahahaha. Glad you got some film.
June 20th, 2012
@Cherrill thank you for your kind comment Cherill , Very pleased to hear that your friend found a supplier. I am pleased I was able to help or advice Gerry : - ).
June 21st, 2012
@Cherrill toyboy eh Cherrill ? :-) lol
June 21st, 2012
@Cherrill Great film choice. A lot of the film shots I have been posting at moment used Kodak Ektar. I love the color range and natural tones.
June 21st, 2012
@andycoleborn already have one of those! lol Only by 7 years tho! :-) No, this is the boss' son who I work with.....also the bee keeper if you saw my recent bee shot. :-)
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