Let's have some "life sucks" photos :)

July 4th, 2012
Life isn't always happy, not always sad, not always funny.....sometimes it simply sucks....

July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
i had my appendix out and ended up back in the hospital for a week with kidney failure.

July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
@miley89 Haha...talk to the hand ...the shadow is really cool!
July 4th, 2012
the day where the gramps of my boyfriend died totally unexpected.

July 4th, 2012
I knew when I was taking this photo that I was taking our cat to the vet to be put to sleep the next day.
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
letting go is never easy:
July 4th, 2012
i agree letting go is so so hard
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
my one and only go at street shots
July 4th, 2012
breeding is hard at times
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012

Gum grafting - painful for weeks, but better than losing teeth later.
July 4th, 2012
Rain rain go away ...

July 4th, 2012
born March 31, 1984 died December 28, 2011

Please be an organ donor.

July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
In May Daisy was attacked by the neighbor's dog who accidentally got loose. Her whole back needed to be shaved and she had to stay at the vets for 2 days. All's well now, so it was just about a week of "sucky" days ;-)
July 4th, 2012
@miley89 Haha! Great!
July 4th, 2012
@rich57 The boy is smart! Cool shutter speed!
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
@dhostick so tender. The expression says it all...
July 4th, 2012
@miley89 hahaha very nice shot. That is very creative
July 4th, 2012
@asrai From his expression, can't tell if he is missing his youth or his children and grandchildren... and where does the smoke come from?
July 4th, 2012
@boogie I find this very cute :)
July 4th, 2012
@agentzuckerguss Very sorry about the loss. The photo is unique and IMHO works in black and white...
July 4th, 2012
She just had dental work and was feeling sore
July 4th, 2012
The day my mother-in-law passed away. It was her favorite piece of music.

July 4th, 2012
Legitimately sad. Sorry for all the losses. :'(
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
@viranod in his right hand is a cigarette butt which he had just puffed
July 4th, 2012
@herussell My heart breaks for you. I have a diabetic cat that I know we will have to be making that decision soon for.
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
A miserable day in terms of both weather and mood
July 4th, 2012
Bad days...
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
Little boys begging on Tonle Sap lake, Cambodia
July 4th, 2012
@wrighty Just love this portrait. Very emotional in its own way....don't know why :)
July 4th, 2012
@asrai I C. I have not had a fag since I quitted 30+ year ago until last month...when I just had a couple of deep puffs. Pure amazing feelings!! It hit so hard I couldn't even walk..and that was only two puffs of normal red Marlboro!! Now I know I can't have anymore :-) Cool shot!
July 4th, 2012
LIfe sucks for Max who is at the back of the line to eat.
July 4th, 2012
@shirljess Orange against blue, and I think the blue suitcase on the right complements the blue window really well.
July 4th, 2012
@jennverr Oh...poor dog :(. It must have been very frustrating for him - sucks big time. Hope I won't need to wear one when I get old...
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
oh i have lots of those!!!

July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
July 4th, 2012
@kammy The tampon one is pretty funny
July 4th, 2012
July 5th, 2012
A miserable day, it rained through the whole country.

Not knowing how long my dog is going to live or even if she'll make it through each day. she has lymphoma.

July 5th, 2012
July 5th, 2012
I should also add...

You could say it's been a sucky month.
July 5th, 2012

July 5th, 2012
July 5th, 2012
i have a few... this is a recent one... the caption is: Hidden

July 5th, 2012
July 5th, 2012
The day I found out my dog died while I was halfway across the world. She was 16, and you could find a more loyal dog.

July 5th, 2012
July 5th, 2012
This is what being two looks like when life sucks (aka not getting what you want)

July 5th, 2012
@kammy Really cool photos...and the last one says it all!!
July 5th, 2012
@newbie love it!
July 5th, 2012
I have a few, but I will keep it to two

July 5th, 2012
July 6th, 2012

July 6th, 2012

July 6th, 2012
July 6th, 2012
Just read the shirt...

July 6th, 2012

July 6th, 2012
July 6th, 2012
July 6th, 2012
Look closely...

July 6th, 2012
a miserable morning made much better by 365ers. . .I actually deleted and now have decided to put this shot back in my project (just as a reminder!!).

July 6th, 2012
July 6th, 2012
This is not my shot, so I hope it is ok to share; it does not appear to have had many views and I think it fits purrfectly; @ericaczz

July 6th, 2012
@miley89 Love this forkin shot! Makes me giggle.
July 6th, 2012
@viranod First of all, awesome picture! reallly!

And i found I have quite a lot ''depression'' shots... Here are some of mines:

July 6th, 2012

We had him for 8 years before Osteosarcoma took him.
July 7th, 2012
July 7th, 2012
July 7th, 2012
July 7th, 2012
@claireuk thank you
July 7th, 2012
July 16th, 2012
July 17th, 2012
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