How many 365ers post process their photos and how much do you edit?

September 11th, 2012
Hey everyone! I am very new to the 365 community and also to the photography world. I just recently bought my first DSLR (Canon T3i) and am curious as to how many of you post process and to what extent? I use lightroom and sometimes photoshop elements and love both, but I do not want to overdo it with post processing.

I googled this topic today and didn't find exactly what I was looking for and thought the 365 community would definitely have a huge response on this topic! :) Anyway, thanks for taking a look at this discussion topic!
September 11th, 2012
I very rarely post a photo that hasn't had a little tweek, it might just be a slight adjustment in the saturation or light, but nearly always a little tweek.
I do sometimes do more as you can see from my project but honestly I don't have the skill nor the patience to make massive changes. I envy those with the knowledge.
I use PSE and picmonkey.
I like photos of all types, editing or no editing, if I like it, I like it.
September 11th, 2012
every single pic has a tweak here or there... only use freebies tho - picassa and picmonkey
September 11th, 2012
Depends. Some photos I do the bare minimum, others I basically butcher to hell for my liking. Work done in photoshop elements and picmonkey
September 11th, 2012
I sometimes tweak a little or butcher the hell out of some as @tbats22 said, but I use Lightroom and OnOne and Photomatix
September 11th, 2012
I have the extremes and everything in between!
September 11th, 2012
You are gonna find people here that run the full spectrum from diehard SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera) photographers to those who love the WWYD (What Would You Do) challenges where anything goes.

I don't see how googling will help because it's purely up to you how or even if you edit your photos. It's a personal choice but for most I think it just depends on what they want the final product to look like.
September 11th, 2012
I try to do everything in camera, but sometimes I just plain can't get what I want without a little help. I don't think there is anything wrong with "fiddling" with the pictures. The amount I process depends on the picture. Most the time I just fiddle with exposure settings, sometimes I desaturate, other times I just plain edit the hell out of them. I do use Photoshop CS3.
September 12th, 2012
I am a "diehard SOOC" girl....I do mostly nature pics. I have done a little processing, but I have drastically improved my ability to use my T3i manually since I joined in mid-June. And, if you follow the threads, and read the camera info on some of your favorite pictures, then you will learn a lot as well.
September 12th, 2012
If the picture is good enough then SOOC is fine. I often fine tune with Picasa. Other times I try special stuff with Photoshop elements but that takes lots of work (for me). I like to get things set in the camera. Cropping, color corrections and sharpening are my big three.
September 12th, 2012
I almost always post process. If I haven't I usually say it. So far I have only used picmonkey but I am anxious to try other methods.
September 12th, 2012
Rarely do I post something that hasnt at least been cropped... I love 'improving' my shots. I did a sooc week at the start of my project but I really didnt enjoy it.
September 12th, 2012
For the minor tweaks and cropping i use windows live photo gallery and for the more indepth changes like the ones below i use Photoshop CS5.1

September 12th, 2012
I only shoot in RAW so all of my photos have had some tweaks in Lightroom, most of them only require tweaks though but for anything more extensive I do use photoshop :)
September 12th, 2012
Normally I don’t like the color of my images straight out of the camera, so I usually perk up the color, saturation or contrast in photoshop and, at times, do some cropping. I have come to view post-processing as adding the finishing touches to my photographs (whether minor or extreme), but that’s just my style. I do admire those who shoot SOOC and I do get excited when capturing an image I view worthy of no post-processing. But most of the time, it's going in the 'shop' ;)
September 12th, 2012
I too shoot in RAW so all my photos have some processing - some of my recent HRRs have LOTS!!! Welcome to 365 - have fun!!
September 12th, 2012
I was in to art before I was into photography, so I use Lightroom, PSE, Topaz Adjust, Picmonkey...... I've developed a post processing style that people recognize as "mine"... and I see that as a very good thing.
September 12th, 2012
I'm pretty lazy, so a lot of my shots are SOOC ;-) Otherwise, minor tweaking with LR4.
September 12th, 2012
i tweak most things... often a smidgeon of a strategic crop, maybe tweak exposure and saturation, and add unsharpness mask in PSE... if i am converting to b&w i mostly use nik silver effex 2... i also have LR4, and will sometimes use that to tweak, but really haven't invested the necessary time yet to learn it properly...

September 12th, 2012
I do a lot more than I used to, and I think my photos are better for it. At least, I hope so! I use Snapseed and Picmonkey primarily.
September 12th, 2012
I will do things like adjust exposure (I've been playing with some things like zoom-blur that require long shutter speeds and so I have to let in as little light as possible--sometimes not too much and I have to expose more in Photoshop) or remove dust, or remove an errant little smidge of something... but mostly I just adjust levels and crop.
September 12th, 2012
I always sharpen and add some color temperature and saturation. I find that going from my camera to my computer to 365 often puts them a bit out of whack. I like adding frames to finish off the picture as well. When I'm not crazy about a shot, or feels it needs a little extra kick, or I have a specific look in mind, I love playing around with the effects. But I do try to not get carried away with them on every picture. I use iPiccy, Picmonkey, Ribbet and BeFunky. They are all free on-line processing sites.
September 12th, 2012
@amandak107 I tweak most of mine in Lightroom Silver Efex if they are B&W and finish off in PS, I dont care much for SOOC I want to show the image how I want my world to be seen.
September 12th, 2012
I shoot in RAW so do a small amount in photoshop, normally just the basics as I don't know that much about processing!
September 12th, 2012
My tweakage has rules, exposure, colour, crop. That is it. I will occasionally throw an effect on if I am in a playful mood but not often. I make use of what Pentax call optical preview when I can and ensure that I get it right in camera as much as possible. Softwares I use, ufRAW GIMP and Zoner14 pro
September 12th, 2012
I see my pieces more as pieces of art or sketches so majority are processed, thought typically today is sooc.
I have used a mixture of programs- lightroom, photoshop elements, pixlr
September 12th, 2012
I tweak using PS5. I find that digital colour often does not always reflect the 'real world' and I usually adjust colour (at a minimum) accordingly. If we go back to the days of film, every photo was the result of darkroom processing. Some more processed than others. IMHO, digital processing (particularly RAW) is no different. The amount of tweak depends on what you are looking for.
September 12th, 2012
@stephw @houdiniem @ayearinthelifeof @sjodell @flagged @olivetreeann @opalcat @polarvrtx @northy @grizzlysghost @jsw0109 @kellc @cjphoto @mummarazzii @jsilver @monika64 @edie @johnturtle326 @welcometocarolworld @grif5332 @dmortega @mstipe @cheribug @tbats22 @andycoleborn @michellegaynor
Wow! Thanks everyone for the comments! So, to sum it all up, it's all about what I want my photography to be! Thanks for all the welcome comments! I have been here for about a month and I love it! It is helping me get to know all the settings on my camera and pushes me to keep learning. Not to mention everyone's photos that are so inspiring! Thanks!
September 14th, 2012
Never, not even least not for 365. :)
September 16th, 2012
See, like for this one, I monkeyed with the saturation and also flipped it upside down:

Sapphire Spray
September 16th, 2012
I'll usually do quite a bit in photoshop, touching up little things here and there and cropping down the shot. Maybe I have a touch of OCD when it comes to my shots, but I'll tweak them until I'm happy with the results, so I have no qualms about using photoshop. As an example, this shot I did a lot of work to remove pits and bugs off of the nose of this B-17 bomber, in addition to some dodging and burning...


September 19th, 2012

I usually process them pretty heavily but I don't have photoshop so it's just insane color correction on iPhoto.
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