what is this insect??

October 5th, 2012
I'm no expert, but it looks to me like Pinkus Lintimitus. I found one in my naval once; gave me quite a scare. ;-)
October 5th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Quality answer Aaron. Over here we call it belly button fluff, which in latin is venter puga pyga lanugo
October 6th, 2012
looks like a fiber to me as its so magnified
October 6th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Lmao... Aaron your comment just made my day, I cant stop laughing!
October 6th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Yep think you hit it spot on. LMAO....
@jillmc post your pic here http://bugguide.net/ they will give you a positive ID.
October 6th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Hilarious!
October 6th, 2012
Thanks Al - I put it on that bugguide.net site so they will probably know. But the pinkus lintimitus is pretty funny - ha ha
October 6th, 2012
Some sort of Damsel fly? Just guessing.
October 6th, 2012
It isn't an insect, Al is right. Those are colored fibers and nothing more. I do insect identifications for public submissions at work and it's surprising how convinced people can be that bits of fluff are biting them or emerging from their skin. @grizzlysghost @olivetreeann @hollandcrew @kmrtn6 @seanoneill
Google delusory parasitosis.
October 6th, 2012
well, parasites don't fly so that isn't it. It was flying around my head in the kitchen until I hit it and took a picture of it.
October 6th, 2012
@robv Wasn't sure- so, I was just trying to be supportive.
October 6th, 2012
Ann, I thought it was a damsel fly too; they are smaller than dragonflies, but I haven't found a picture of anything that looks so red and small.
October 6th, 2012
Fibers are light and can easily be carried by the slightest air movements, it's likely your motions in the kitchen combined with any drafts from air conditioning or a fan made it appear to be flying around you. It has none of the characters associated with insects, six legs, wings, a segmented body divided into three main sections and so on.
October 6th, 2012
@robv well, I'll let you know if bugguide.net has anything to say about it. I do see legs, wings, feelers and eye.
October 6th, 2012
@grizzlysghost I bet this one is an endangered species
October 6th, 2012
@robv @hollandcrew @olivetreeann @lisjam1 @grizzlysghost From someone who has asked a out many bugs....this mademe laugh !
October 6th, 2012
@jillmc - Jill I am with @robv with this one. But I await your response from bugguide.
October 6th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Not that endangered Peter; I'll bet I can find another one if I lift my shirt! ;-)
October 6th, 2012
ok, so I can get some sleep, I figured out it is the same color as a jacket I was wearing earlier today. Someone on bugguide said it was a fabric not a bug. Good night everyone and thanks for your help - I will try not to be too paranoid about flying bugs(lint) in the future.
October 6th, 2012
October 6th, 2012
Is this post real - What a a way to start the weekend, such a funny post and the science bit at the end is fantastic m9f9i.

"It seems to work like this: small fibers shed from your clothes get trapped in your body hair.
The hair on your abdomen typically curves towards your navel. As your body moves, the friction between your body hair and clothing ratchets the lint along a “hair highway” that leads straight to your bellybutton.
If you do find fluffs of lint in your bellybutton, don’t worry–the study also concluded that navel fuzz is completely harmless and requires no corrective action."

@grizzlysghost @seanoneill @olivetreeann @m9f9l
October 6th, 2012
@m9f9l @gphelps5 - Dr Karl Kruszelnicki won an igNoble Prize for his work on Belly Button lint and why it is always a blueish grey colour.
October 6th, 2012
This is a little too much details @m9f9l
October 6th, 2012
@gphelps5 BWAAAHAAAHAAHAAA!!!!!! Yeah. You're probably right.
October 6th, 2012
:lol: Excellent thread! :D
October 6th, 2012
@grizzlysghost LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!
October 7th, 2012
I pulled a thread from the red 100% cotton jacket and it was similar to the supposed insect. oh well, I hope getting older doesn't get any worse than this.

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